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Letters-to-the-editor /Opinion/Letters-to-the-editor
July 28, 2021 midnight

Food for Thought: Anger avoidance

You pay a huge price when you ignore your anger.

August 18, 2021 midnight

Nonpartisan solutions for wildfire prevention and forest restoration

Even if you don’t see the flames, the smoke and poor visibility is hard to ignore. Yet, ignoring the issue and letting politics get in the way of action is exactly the problem in Washington, D.C.

August 18, 2021 midnight

Food for Thought: Why am I so anxious?

All of us know what it is like to feel worry, nervousness, fear, and concern.

September 22, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: Politics, to listen or to lecture?

Individual politicians may have the best of motives, but the parties they belong to, no. The parties are like businesses, they want results.

September 29, 2021 midnight

Zinke: "I never have - and never will - sell your public lands"

As Montanans, hunting, fishing and access to public lands is part of who we are.

November 17, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: American Redoubt

This is the kind of publicity that most communities would not want to have because it would serve as a deterrent to the economic growth of an area.

November 24, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: George Washington, patriot or traitor?

“…the liberty secured by the Constitution does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint.” Furthermore, he wrote, the Constitution is based on “…the fundamental principle of the social compact…that all shall be governed by certain laws for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people, not for the profit, honor or private interests of any one man, family or class of men.”

December 15, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: Infrastructure, hard and soft

There are two types of infrastructure, commonly called hard and soft.

COLUMN: The Greatest Generation
November 9, 2022 midnight

COLUMN: The Greatest Generation

It’s a memory that will stay with me forever.

July 26, 2023 midnight

Montana property taxes explained

By now, most Montana property owners have opened their 2023 Property Classification and Appraisal Notices, and many have been surprised by the Montana Department of Revenue’s estimate of their property’s market value.