Friday, May 30

An emotional Valedictorian Kathryn Chandler addresses her classmates during her speech.

Volunteering for a cause
Volunteer Mary Ann Foster helps a group of Hot Springs students as part of a new learning experience the school offers.

Noxon, Plains graduate seniors
SANDERS COUNTY – The Class of 2014 enjoyed their graduation today, emerging from school as newly minted graduates ready to take on life after high school.

Volunteers lend a helping hand
HOT SPRINGS – Bart Granlund has only been teaching at Hot Springs Elementary school for a year but he is already starting to make a big impact in the learning community.

Ellen Childress, Plains Woman's Club Creative Writing Contest chairperson, awards students Torrance Peacock, Jubal Ryan, Jake Lile, Amanda Marjerrison and Yumna Jane Mossad with cash prizes and award certificates.

Students recognized for writing
PLAINS - Each year as part of a Creative Writing Project of the Greater Federation of Woman’s Clubs, the Plains Woman’s Club encourages students of both public schools and home schools to enter the Creative Writing Contest. Entries are judged at the local, district and state levels. Students from kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to submit entries in either, or both, the short story contest or the poetry contest, and compete in appropriate categories based on age and grade.

Home of the free because of the brave
Karen Eisenbrandt hands her jusband Joe a flag at the Plains Cemetery. Nine volunteers took to the grounds, placing 423 flags on the graves of veterans in honor of Memorial Day.
Booster clubs benefit from sports physicals
PLAINS – In an effort to give back to local athletes, Clark Fork Valley Hospital has donated 100 percent of their proceeds from sports physicals to local booster clubs.
Bassmasters tournament stimulates local economy
TROUT CREEK- Small businesses in Sanders County received an early season boost as the 2014 B.AS.S Nation Western Divisional took place on Noxon Reservoir.
Sanders County Court Report
Sanders County Justice Court week of 5/13 to 5/19.
Sanders County Community Calendar
Open Gym at Plains
Superior deaths deemed murder-suicide
SUPERIOR - The two suspicious deaths discovered in a home near Superior on Wednesday, May 28 were deemed a murder-suicide by investigators.
Thursday, May 29

The end of another year
Plains Superintendent Thom Chisholm cooks up hamburgers and hot dogs for the end of the year barbecue.

Wildhorse Elementary
The last class to ever be housed in Wildhorse Elementary School sit in front of the building on the last day of school.

The end of an era
Methadone causes concern for community
On May 12th, 2014, parents and law enforcement officials gathered at the local school board meeting to express their frustrations over drug abuse in our local schools. Many of us consider drug abuse to be an activity for teenagers and young adults historically. Now we are faced with a new reality – drugs are abused by children in our community in their pre-teen years.
An Update from Rep. Ingraham
Letter to the Editor; Taking care of a legacy

Dallas Lewis, Keenan Clute, Blaze White and Damen Lucier enter the gym and make their way to the stage.

St. Regis High holds ceremony for graduates

"Two-Talks" attempts to throw a hatchet between two trees and into his target at the Mountain Man Rendezvous in Cyr.

Mountain men reign over Cyr
CYR – Every Memorial Day weekend, the Sapphire Mountain Men group instinctively meet in a secluded area in Cyr, leaving the present behind while walking back into the past.
Hospital records get upgrade
SUPERIOR – The Mineral Community Hospital celebrated the implementation of their new electronic record system with a staff barbeque May 20 at the hospital.
Wind accelerates fire, spreads through Trout Creek
DUI Taskforce scheduled to receive combined grant
MINERAL COUNTY – The National Highway Safety Board has awarded a grant to be shared between Mineral and Sanders Counties.
West end candidate forum ends in boycott
Wednesday, May 28
Details emerge on Superior deaths
SUPERIOR - State investigators came to Mineral County on Wednesday, May 28 to investigate the deaths of two people.

Danika Whitcomb covers first base for Plains in their game against Drummond.

Plains softball move on to state

Black powder salute
Gary Owens of Logan, Mont. fires his black powder rifle at a target. The 33rd annual Wildhorse Rendezvous featured primitive activities from the Rendezvous Era.
Balenger fired for misconduct, previous instances of abuse arise
MINERAL COUNTY — Jim Balenger had a history of misconduct including excessive force and neglect of duty prior to joining the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office, according to documents released by the department.
Mineral County Community Calendar
Road to Recovery
Bluehawks advance athletes to state meet
Lady Hawks season comes to an end

Local schools participate in St. Regis Fun Run
READY, SET, GO!: Students from St. Regis, Superior and Alberton competed int he ninth annual Fun Run in St. Regis.
Tigers track advances to state
ST. REGIS - The St. Regis Tigers clawed their way all the way to divisionals, and now have chewed through multiple competitors to get to state.
Alberton track athletes place
Superior track nears season's completion
SUPERIOR - The Superior track team inched closer to the season finale this week, competing in the divisional meet in Missoula.
Wilson, Osborne, Johnson move to state track meet
Superior/Alberton tennis season ends on high
Trotters take first at divisionals
Benda places eleventh for Superior at state golf
SUPERIOR - Josh Benda and Luke Boyce were studs for Superior golf all season, and were invited to play in the state tournament with the best-of-the-best of Class-C schools from around the region.

Time for awards
St. Regis High School Athletic Director Tyler Hurley presents Jasmine Jones with a plaque for her accomplishments with the girls basketball team this season.

St. Regis honors student athletes at banquet
ST. REGIS – The close of the school year not only marks the beginning of summer fun, but the end of student athletics as well.
Savage Heat athletes move forward
Golfers chip in during state
FAIRMONT – Both the Plains and Thompson Falls golf teams brought their season to a close at the state tournament this week.
Friday, May 23
Court Report
Community Calendar

Marla Brown Robbins addresses visitors to the annual art show.

Juried art show draws crowd
HOT SPRINGS – There was barely enough room to maneuver inside of Wall Street Place as artists and interested locals jammed into the spacious building in downtown Hot Springs.

Super Sort
Super sort organizer Patti Waldoch pushes the cows back into the area so they can be sorted by the next participating team.

Mini-clinics prepare for new Plains Day event

Students walk through the Noxon school parking lot, where the first annual car show was held.

Noxon car show sees success
NOXON – In the first event of its kind, Noxon Schools held their first annual car show with impressive results.

Birds of a Feather
The Hot Springs Drama Club presented Birds of a Feather in the school gymnasium.

Hot Springs Drama Club lights up stage

Shooters blast clay pigeons from the skies as the Hack and Blast kicked off Saturday morning at the Plains Trap Club.

Participants hack and blast their way through Plains trap and golf clubs

JMG Students
Plains JMG students traveled to the Career Development Conference in Billings and brought home ten awards.

JMG students end year strong with awards

The Plains Trotters serve up a luau styled feast during their annual fundraiser.

Trotters dish up treats
MDT to increase patrols
Plains holds first public meeting on water rates
Hot Springs Fire tests new equipment while fighting fire
Volunteers needed for playground installation
CFVH Gala set to take off
Retired police officers take another shot
Good things take time
PARADISE – The American Legion Post #129 has recently experienced a stall in rebuilding, however, the little snag should be resolved shortly.
Thursday, May 22
Bonnie M. Sagissor
Community calendar
Court records
An update from Rep. Ingraham
Spotlight on grizzly bears and water rights; An update from Senator Jennifer Fielder
It is amazing how difficult it is to get government agencies to use unbiased scientific and legal information when it comes to land, water, and wildlife decisions. Certain science and law are being emphasized while other science and law are being ignored in what appear to be deliberate efforts to restrict people’s use of water and public lands.
Mineral County Chamber Chatter
The politics of milk and honey in the Big Sky; An update from Rep. Schwaderer
Letters to the Editor; Safety of our kids

Rescue Dog
Deb Tirmenstein and her search and rescue dog at the Superior Outdoor School.

Sixth graders continue tradition
SUPERIOR - Nestled next to I-90 and fronted by a small pond lies the Savanac Tree Nursery, which has been a popular learning destination for Superior Elementary students since 1968. Students enter without their parents, camping with classmates and leaving with new outdoor experiences and adventures.

Alberton High School valedictorian Ryan Vicek hugs Alberton School Counselor Kara Cox during graduation.

Alberton seniors bid farewell
ALBERTON – Thirteen Alberton seniors graduated May 18, and were welcomed to the real world by teachers, staff, parents and other spectators.
Balenger's termination letters to be released
Chamber of Commerce holds monthly meeting
St. Regis Flea Market back for biggest shopping extravaganza of the summer
ST. REGIS - In a matter of days, the vendors will bring along sellable goods to fill the St. Regis Community Park for Montana’s largest outdoor flea market.
Elderly Superior man abused by Thompson Falls caretaker
SUPERIOR - A caretaker is accused of abusing and stealing from an 84-year-old elderly Superior man.
Customer service training to be offered in Superior
SUPERIOR - Representatives of local convenience stores, lodging properties, visitor information centers, museums, outfitters, restaurants and any business greeting visitors to the area are invited, free of charge, to attend the popular “Rockin’ to the Rhythm of Service” seminar in Superior on Tuesday, June 10, 2014.
CarFit improves stability for older drivers
Alberton presents senior projects to community
ALBERTON – It’s evident that graduating seniors from Alberton High School made a difference in their community this year as they presented their senior projects May 14.
Lions Club performs work on fairgrounds
Wednesday, May 21

Plains Day preps for new event
Chris McGuigan partakes in a Super Sort mini-clinic at Haven's Stable in Trout Creek. The new sport will debut at Plains Day this year.

Shot Put
Gibson Lowry of St. Regis throws during the District 14C meet.

St. Regis excels during district meet

A Superior Rockies baseball player lines up to bat against Plains.

Superior Rockies baseball falls to Plains

Tanner Smith in the long jump at the district meet in Polson.

Superior track dominates district meet in Polson
SUPERIOR - The district meet for the 14C conference was no match for Superior May 15.
Alberton athletes move on to divisional meet in Great Falls
ALBERTON – On the eve of their high school graduation, Alberton had something else to be excited about as three of their track stars won district.
Superior/Alberton tennis place second overall
SUPERIOR – It’s getting down to the nitty-gritty as only one more meet awaits the Superior/Alberton tennis team.

Trail Run
Trisha Drobeck rounds the last curve towards the finish line during the annual 11 Miles to Paradise race.

11 miles to Paradise

The Pirates celebrate with Tristan Subatch after he scored the winning run.

Pirates still perfect after doubleheader sweep

Jack Dolson competes in the high jump at the District 14C meet.

Savage Heat athletes advance to divisional meet
POLSON – The Hot Springs Savage Heat competed at the District 14C meet, getting some impressive performances from the athletes on the track and field team.
Bluehawks land in first place

Red Devils
Nicky Zavoianu throws the discus for Noxon at district competitions in Polson.

Red Devils battle at district 14C meet

Haley Wilson attacks the pitch against Florence.
LaDeaux heads to state competition
BIGFORK – Most of the Plains High School golf team concluded their season on Monday May 12, at the divisional tournament but one golfer will be attending the State Tournament in Fairmont.
Trotters soar above competition
BIGFORK – The Plains track and field team will be proudly sending a large contingent to the divisional meet after successful district competitions during the weekend, kicking off their postseason meets.
Transfer of public lands would benefit Montana
Letter to the Editor: Support Dale
Dear Editor,
Letter to the Editor: Team Walton
I am a member of TeamWalton, a group of dedicated people who believe in Katy Walton and are working to help elect her as State Rep–HD 13. When Katy first asked if I would be part of her team I was reluctant because as a geologist running a full time business building educational rock and mineral collections, I did not feel I had the time; that and the fact I did not know much about Katy.
Letter to the Editor: Write him in
In the upcoming primary election and in the general election, my feeling is the people of Mineral County are simply not being given the best candidate for Sheriff.
Thompson Falls ties Loyola at Division Golf Tournament
THOMPSON FALLS – In a feat the team has tried to accomplish all season, the Thompson Falls Bluehawks golf team tied with Loyola Sacred Heart at first place for the Class B Division 3 golf tournament.
Letter to the Editor: Free money
There are two types of hangers on the Mineral County Airport; those owned by private individuals and those owned by the county.
Tuesday, May 20

Battling the flames
Plains-Paradise Rural Firefighter Kevin Kerr works to put out the flames as Plains Trap Club groundskeeper Harry Greene watches.

Pilgrim Road fire
Plains Volunteer Fire Department Chief Joe Sheppard works to extinguish flames on Pilgrim Road.

Fully engulfed
Flames engulfed a pile of uncut logs at the Plains Trap Club after a lawnmower on the grounds started a grass fire.

The day of flames
PLAINS – Two unrelated fires erupted at approximately the same time today, Tuesday, May 20, less than a mile apart from one another.
Friday, May 16

Swans and turtles enjoy the sunshine at the National Bison Range.

Bison Range marks annual Migratory Bird Day

Savannah Roosma and Ariah Erny present their project at the Hot Springs Elementary Science Fair.

Hot Springs hosts student science fair

DNA Sample
Region One Game Warden Tom Chianelli collects DNA samples during a poaching case last fall.

Chianelli to end run as local warden
SANDERS COUNTY – After over ten years as Region One’s Game Warden, Tom Chianelli is stepping away from the position and transferring over to Missoula County.

The Plains Head Start Program poses in front of a tractor at Dave Williams' ranch.

Preschoolers spend an afternoon on the farm

King and Queen
Joe DeTienne and Sadee Miller stand at the center of the dance floor, waiting to be crowned king and queen of the Hot Springs Prom.

Hot Springs High School hosts Prom
NorthWestern highlights benefits of dam purchase
Bear season starts slow

Music for Moms
Deb Oliver of the Uku-Ladies sings at Music for Moms.

Music for Moms raises funds for cancer network
Thursday, May 15

Torch Run
Brian Hutchinson from the Thompson Falls Police Department carries the torch on his bicycle down Highway 200.

It takes a village
SANDERS COUNTY – The citizens of Sanders County came together with law enforcement on Saturday for a cause bigger than them all.

Submarine Tests
A submarine tests out the water in Frenchtown Pond.

Navy makes donation to Alberton physics class

Alberton hosted a candidate forum at the elementary school cafeteria on May 7.

Alberton holds forum in lieu of primary election

American Legion
Veterans from the St. Regis American Legion Ray Welch Post participated in a trash pickup along I-90 on May 3.

St. Regis American Legion cleans up highway
ST. REGIS – Veterans of the Ray Welch Post 13 in St. Regis decided it was time to take out the trash.
Mineral County seat belt enforcement hits high gear
Superior fire department improves ISO rating
SUPERIOR - The Superior Volunteer Fire Department is pleased to announce that the department’s ISO ratings have improved. ISO has revamped their rating system somewhat, but both changes are an improvement that should mean better insurance rates.
Airport plans to get an update
SUPERIOR – The Mineral County Airport wants their airport operating level updated with the Federal Aviation Administration.
St. Regis and Alberton schools hold elections to secure bonds
Ticks ready to prey during spring
MINERAL COUNTY - As spring nears, it’s not the warm weather people should be thinking about, it’s tick prevention.
Mineral County Sheriff, schools to apply for community policing
MDT updates county road construction
Balenger files for back pay
Wednesday, May 14

Alberton students, teachers and community volunteers dig holes and place cement to install the course behind the senior center.

Alberton Folf course officially installed in park
ALBERTON - The Frisbee golf course that was six months in the making, reached its point of completion April 30.
Alberton High School faces Seeley-Swan in track season finale
ALBERTON – The Alberton Track teams headed to the Seeley-Swan Invitational on May 10 at the Missoula County Stadium, in what was the last scheduled meet before districts.

Heather Kelly chases the ball down on her home court.

Superior Tennis head to divisional tournament
SUPERIOR – The Superior-Alberton Tennis team finished out the regular season much like they started – with a victory.
Superior track falls short at final invitational

Finish Line
Trotter Nicole Rehbein busts past the finish line at the Sanders County Meet.

Plains track competes at Archie Roe
KALISPELL – The Horsemen and Trotters of the Plains Track and Field team spent the weekend competing against a wide field of competition in Kalispell.

Noxon track had a busy week as they competed in the Sanders County Meet and then at Seeley Swan.

Noxon give it their all on field

Sam Johnson bunts against Drummond.

Lady Hawks sweep their competition

Lady Hawks
Autrey Hannum competes in the high jump competition, breaking the school record at the meet.

County meet sparks competition
Hot Springs heads to Missoula
Hawks run at Archie Roe invite
LaDeaux and boys golf head to divisional tournament
Trotters head into postseason
Falls golf prepares for divisional tournament
Friday, May 9
Red Sleep Mountain Drive slated to open
Music for Mom returns to Sanders County
Rep. Pat Ingraham reflects on her time in the state House of Representatives

Evan Drachman
Drachman addresses the audience at the United Methodist Church of Plains.

Sanders County Arts Council hosts Drachman
Forest Service announces the beginning of fire season in Sanders County

Diehl Ranch
A Lawyer Nursery field off of Diehl Ranch rd.

Lawyer Nursery celebrates 55 years of business in Sanders County
Halpop retires after 25 years with MSU Extension Agency
Treatment of EWM in Noxon sees success

May Day Baskets
Debbie Heckman wraps some baked goods for the May Day baskets.

Woman's Club spreads May Day love
Trooper retires after investigation
MINERAL COUNTY – Richard Hader, a Montana Highway Patrol Trooper who had been with the agency since June 1995, retired abruptly May 1.
Mineral County Pet Care week canceled
MINERAL COUNTY- The Mineral County Pet Care Week originally scheduled for May 16-18 will be postponed due to veterinarian cancellation.

Edward Dallas Schoening
Edward Dallas Schoening was born in Othello, Idaho April 3, 1971, and died April 27, 2014.
Mineral County Community Calendar
Road to Recovery
Mineral County Court Report
Bond Forfeited:
Burn permit season begins
MINERAL COUNTY - On Thursday, May 1, fire season officially begun and burn permits will now be required for all outdoor burning in Mineral County.
Letter to the Editor: Conservative values
I have been in construction for over twenty years. I have been a conservative Republican my entire life. And, I”d like to say this to HD-13 Candidate, “Fajita” Bob Brown, “Thanks for running for office, I know how hard it must be to juggle your own construction business and campaign. You’ve got my vote”.
Mineral County candidates Q&A
Letter to the Editor: Another bites the dust
While attending the April 21, 2014 School Board Meeting, I learned that:
Letter to the Editor: The plain facts
In a recent letter, one Mr. Wells, stated that criticism of Billy Hill’s management of funds for the veterans’ Stand Down was “uninformed” and that “we can all use some comic relief in these trying times.”
Firestorm debate erupts over transfer of public lands

Information session
Superior's Ev Schultz stands with contractor Dan McGee of McKinstry. Both hope to land $3.99 million for renovations.

SPS holds informational session
SUPERIOR – Several representatives from Superior Public Schools presented to the Superior Senior Center April 30 showing evidence of the decaying junior high school. The $3.99 million bond levy the school is seeking is for a new junior high school and additional upgrades to the other buildings in the district.

MURDER MYSTERY: Superior High School students Asa Ovitt (left) and Sienna Faydo, perform Alibis, a murder mystery on May 3.

Superior High students perform murder mystery
SUPERIOR – On a stormy night in the 1980s, a series of murders occur at an old mansion in the English countryside.
MCH holds town hall meetings
SUPERIOR - Administrators from the Mineral Community Hospital and the Mineral Regional Health Center stopped by Superior Fountain and Drug April 30 to talk healthcare with the community.

St. Regis performs 'Beauty Lou and the Beast'
Students from St. Regis Elementary School joined Missoula Children's Theatre for a rendition of 'Beauty and the Beast.' However, this time the beast is mixed in with farm animals.
Lookout Pass Ski expansion raises objections
SUPERIOR – The Lookout Pass Ski Expansion received some stiff opposition at the Mineral County Commissioners meeting on April 30.
Car show will go on
SUPERIOR - The Old Schoolhouse Rock Car Show will return for its fifteenth year on June 7.
Torch run to travel through Sanders County
Plains Ambulance services look for a place to expand
PLAINS – The Town of Plains held its regular meeting of the Plains Town Council on Thursday, May 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the town hall council room.
Swine virus cancels 4-H projects
Thursday, May 8

Superior Rockies Win
A Rockies batter gets into first ahead of the throw.

Superior baseball defeats Noxon at home
SUPERIOR – The Superior Rockies earned their first win of the season beating the Noxon Diamondbacks 9-7 on May 3. This one was close as both teams battled to the bitter end; however, Superior took it at the finale batting in multiple runners.

Superior-Alberton Tennis
Superior-Alberton's Hallie Bahm saves the ball against Loyola.

Loyola tops Superior-Alberton in tennis

The Tall Grass
Ashley Cheesman of St. Regis hits out of the rough.

Superior golf moves on
ST. REGIS – St. Regis Golf ended their 2014 season on May 1, playing host to nine other teams at the Trestle Creek Golf Course.
Wednesday, May 7

The Plains Royals meet on the mound, shortly before the start of the game.

Plains wins first game at Wildhorse Sports Association Sports Complex
Hot Springs track runs at Whitefish
WHITEFISH – The Savage Heat track and field team tied for eighth with Bigfork at the Whitefish Invitational over the weekend. Both track and field squads compiled 12 team points.

Fitchett winds-up
Thompson Falls pitcher Madi Fitchett winds-up, ready to throw a strike.

Lady Hawks sweep Troy

Greene waits for the pitch
With the game tied, Alex Greene of Plains waits for the pitch during the Trotters win over Deer Lodge.

Trotters catch fire
Thompson Falls track places among other competitors
Plains track races in Whitefish and at top ten

Brouilette connects on his drive
Trent Brouilette of Plains High School drives the first tee of River's Bend Golf Course for the Thompson Falls Invitational on Saturday, May 3.

Thompson Falls hosts golf tournament
Tuesday, May 6
Letter to the Editor: The bear facts
Praise God! Kudos to Cody, Koliss and ALL the young men involved here enabling them to give this young man, Sam McCreary the hunt of a lifetime. God was sure watching over the hunt, from beginning to end, making it exciting for everyone involved. What a great feeling it had to be for everyone involved. Could not read this without crying. Thank you for putting something great in the paper!
Letter to the Editor: He has my vote
Letter to the Editor: All about the tea party
Dear Mr. Haywood: I’d just like to address what it is that you don’t know, but think you know about the Tea Party.
An update from Rep. Ingraham
According to Ecclesiastes 3:1, there is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven, and one of those times comes on June 3, 2014.
Letter to the Editor: Day of prayer
Because of the faith of many of our founding fathers, public prayer and national days of prayer have been a long standing and significant history in American tradition. In 1775 the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation. Prayer has continued through our history. In 1863 President Lincoln made a proclamation for a day of “humiliation, fasting and prayer”. A joint resolution of Congress, signed by President Truman, declared an annual National Day of Prayer in 1952. In 1988, the law was amended and signed by President Reagan, permanently setting the first Thursday of May as the National Day of Prayer.
Noxon raises money for MS
NOXON - Red Devil students rose to the occasion and emptied out their piggy banks and pockets to make a difference. Leading this action was senior Megan Beyer and her mentor Tracey Dean.

For a good cause
Jonathon Felix raised over $1,000 during the Jump Rope for Heart campaign.

Plains student raises record donations for AHA event
PLAINS - Two weeks of fundraising came to an end as the students of Plains Elementary completed another Jump Rope for Heart Campaign.
Flat-Iron Guild hosts 2014 Quilt Show in Thompson Falls
THOMPSON FALLS - Last weekend the Thompson Falls High School gymnasium hosted the 2014 Quilt Show.
Bison range to celebrate migratory birds
MOIESE - Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day 2014 at the National Bison Range on Saturday, May 10, 2014. This year’s theme, “Why Birds Matter”, focuses on the benefits of birds to humans and nature. We will share the many ways in which birds matter to the earth, to ecosystems, and of course, to us.

Gerald Larson, Doris Larson, Ron Wachsmuth and Denise Montgomery were the original four to start the crossing guard program. After 15 years, the program is closing down.

Volunteers hard work pays off
PLAINS – After 15 years, the crossing guard program at Plains Public Schools is closing down “as we know it,” and in order to help celebrate those years, an appreciation lunch was held in the Home Ec. room of the Plains School.
Company looks at buying dam
THOMPSON FALLS - The Thompson Falls Dam may be under new ownership as early as January of next year, if a proposed buyout is approved by the Montana Public Service Commission and the deal survives a public hearing, scheduled for early July.
Sanders County Court Report
Sanders County Justice Court week of 4/15 to 4/21.
Death notice: Shane Gabriel Leon Dye
Shane Gabriel Leon Dye, 3 mo., passed away April 19, 2014 in Missoula, MT. Shane was born January 17, 2014 in Plains, MT. Memorial services were held May 2nd at 1 p.m. at the Plains Harvest Community Church.
Blade Jacobson of Thompson Falls to be recognized at UNL Honors Convocation
LINCOLN, NE - Blade Andrew Jacobson of Thompson Falls will be among University of Nebraska-Lincoln undergraduate students honored in conjunction with UNL’s All-University Honors Convocation April 13.
Rummel graduates basic training
Air Force Airman Eric B. Rummel graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
Local graduates basic training
Air Force Airman Joshua D. Hein graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
2014 fourth quarter honor roll

Corle Morefield compete in the triple jump competition during the Thompson Falls Invitational.

Trotters continue to sweep competition
MISSOULA - The Plains girls’ track and field team had a huge day at Missoula County Stadium on Saturday, April 26, winning the Seeley-Swan Invitational.

Red Devils secure 28 personal bests at meet
NOXON – The Red Devils competed at two meets last week, both in complete opposite directions, as they traveled to Arlee and Libby, seeing success at both. The Red Devils had 28 personal bests during the Libby meet – an accomplishment of great proportion.

Lady Red Devils
The girls take off for the 200 meter race at the Arlee Invitational. Bethanie Ulrick placed sixth in the event with a time of 32.25.
Savage Heat fights through cold weather
MISSOULA - The Hot Springs Savage Heat took ninth in the Seeley-Swan Invitational on Saturday, April, 26 in Missoula.

Alan Ihms chips on to the green during the Plains Invitational.

County golf teams compete at Plains
PLAINS - Wild Horse Golf Course played host to the Plains Invitational on Saturday, April 26.

Plains pitcher Tia Thompson had a solid performance during the game against the Lady Hawks. Thompson pitched the first four innings.

Trotters tear up field against Lady Hawks
THOMPSON FALLS - The Trotters surged to a 12-2 victory during a rainy day at Thompson Falls on Tuesday, April 22, rebounding from last week’s losses at Ronan.

Sliding into home plate
SLIDING INTO FIRST: Noxon's Grant Fitchett slides into home at a game last week. Fitchett was called safe at the plate. The Cougar baseball team went on to compete at the Kellogg meet.
Friday, May 2
MCRAG provides update to county commissioners

Black bear season started on April 15 and will continue through June 15. The season was recently extended.

Spring bear hunting highlights

Members of the Mineral Community Hospital Board held their monthly meeting on April 24, where they discussed the NextGen system.

Hospital works to solve new technology woes
SUPERIOR – The Mineral Community Hospital announced a series of glitches in a computer system that was implemented in March.
Pesticide clinics scheduled
Biomass fuel a good alternative
SUPERIOR – Biomass heating systems save residents and business owners more money compared to conventional fuels like oil, said the Montana Department of Natural Resources.
Conference enters 25th year
MINERAL COUNTY – The 25th annual Mullan Conference celebrating the construction of Mullan Road in Superior will be held in Missoula, May 2-4.

A semi-truck rolled off I-90 in the early hours of April 23. No injuries were reported, and no other vehicles were involved.

Truck rolls off eastbound I-90

Clean Up
Junior Olivia Taylen picks up trash around Alberton, with the help of first grader Morgan Hurtley.

Alberton celebrates Earth Day by cleaning up

Superior Elementary School students took part in the production of

Local thespians hit stage
SUPERIOR – Despite having only one week to learn their lines, the performance of Cinderella by Superior Elementary went off without a hitch.