Wednesday, July 31

Alberton family will welcome exchange student
In August, a teenaged girl will fly more than 7,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean from Thailand to live in Alberton for the school year.

Gusty winds on Sunday force ground and air resources to pull back from Beeskove fire
Sunday’s predicted weather materialized with sustained winds of more than 30 miles per hour and air resources battling the Beeskove fire were grounded due to the gusty winds for several hours and crews and aircraft were pulled from the fire line for safety.
Caroline Uribe, 51
Caroline Ann Uribe went home to Heaven July 11, 2019.
Rabies vaccination clinic provides a shot of safety
When Cathy Kuhl’s husband was outside their residence with their granddaughter and Weimaraner, he saw something dark moving in the sky out of the corner of his eye.

Wolf count in Region 2 is up, but mostly stable
Following Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks 2017 Annual Report release this spring, officials estimate 633 gray wolves reside in Montana, more than the previous five years.
Legals July 31, 2019
Public Notice - Opencut Mining Permit Felstet Concrete Products LLC plans to permit an existing opencut gravel pit in Section 16, T20N, R26W, and legally described as Lot 1B of Certificate of Survey 3209MS in Sanders County, Montana. The property has a physical address of 7334 Montana Highway 200, Plains, MT 59859. The opencut mining operation currently occupies a total of 26.9 acres of land owned by Felstet Concrete Products LLC. The existing permit previously mined gravels and sands. However, the plan for this existing opencut area is for reclamation only. A Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Opencut Mining permit has recently been applied for to extend the required reclamation date to December 2021 to ensure all growth can occur as required. As a part of the permit application process they are required to send a public notice to all property owners located within one-half mile of the proposed boundary of the opencut permit, as well as publish notice of the proposed operation twice in a local newspaper. A map for this site can be obtained from the following website: and by searching the Opencut # "3110" in the search bar to view the current application materials and the site exhibits. Currently, the site is an existing opencut mining pit and rangeland. During previous mining, the site contained 18 of soil that will be replaced once an approved permit is obtained. Gravels and sand are the materials that were previously mined from the site, but no future mining is currently planned. The site is currently accessed off of Montana Highway 200, two miles west from Plains, MT. The attached site map shows the site operations. Also included with this letter is the MDEQ Request for Public Meeting form. This form provides information on how surface landowners can request a public meeting to discuss this operation, if desired. The current opencut permitting activities are planned to be completed by December 2021. If you have any questions, please contact the operator at the information listed below. Operator Contact Information Felstet Concrete Products LLC P.O. Box 1161 Plains, MT 59859 Phone Number: (406) 826-4100 Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on July 31 and August 7, 2019. MNAXLP
Thursday, July 25

Olthenia 'Irene' Bullock, 89
“Oh my word!” says Olthenia “Irene” Bullock who peacefully passed away June 26, 2019, in Polson Montana. Irene was a one-of-kind. Once you met her you never forgot her, and she never forgot you.
Wednesday, July 24

U.S. Forest Service hosts Passport in Time
The U.S. Forest Service held the annual Savenac Nursery Reunion Friday, July 19, in Haugan to present projects and honor former employee Charles Schroeder.

No headline
Babysitting fundraiser to be offered to help out fairgoers
Parents who want to enjoy the Mineral County Fair Rodeo without supervising their kids are in luck this year after Superior students formed a babysitting fundraiser. Friday, Aug. 2 and Saturday, Aug. 3, parents can drop their kids off at the Superior Elementary School gym from 7 p.m. to midnight. Approximately four adults and six highschoolers will entertain and supervise kids for the night. “We came up with the idea so the parents could watch the rodeo in peace,” Superior parent Rosemarie Waddle said. Waddle says the first hour will be playtime, followed by a dance session so that kids can be active.

Cyr Bridge exit re-opened after inspection
Montana Department of Transportation officials announced that the Cyr Bridge exit re-opened Monday.

Veterans accept new mission: Riverboarding Alberton Gorge
After serving in the U.S. Army for more than 20 years with four deployments, Louis Matteau is nervous as he suits up to riverboard down the Alberton Gorge, a river with class III rapids.
Thursday, July 18

Sixth Annual Artists in Paradise event this week
July and August are busy times of the year for Sanders County and many events have been occurring annually for years, including the Artists in Paradise.

Local family gets a wave of support from community after traumatizing accident in June
Saturday, June 22, six people were involved in a three-vehicle head-on collision, severely injuring three of them, on U.S. 93 south of Kalispell.
Wednesday, July 17

County works to attract guards to re-open jail facility
Following a failed attempt to reopen the Mineral County Jail with a private company last month, county officials met July 12 to brainstorm ideas to market the vacant detention officer positions.

West End Fire Dept. learns 'Tennessee Twist'
The West End Volunteer Fire and Rescue members practiced old and new methods of extricating an injured person from a crashed SUV recently at the Saltese Station.

Mineral County Library hosts summer reading finale

Superfund cleanup making progress at Flat Creek
The once heavily contaminated Flat Creek is seeing great improvements as its Superfund cleanup nears completion, according to officials who visited the site earlier this spring.

Mineral County seeks money for Saltese trestle work
Mineral County officials agreed to apply for a federal grant that would help restore the Saltese trestle which provides recreation access to the county.
Legals July 17, 2019
Sanders Resource Advisory Committee Seeking Members The Sanders Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) is soliciting for membership. Members will recommend how Title II funds received by the County will be spent on projects that will benefit adjacent National Forest System lands. Members will serve a 4-year term. The Sanders RAC was created under Title II of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393). Application packets may be picked up at Cabinet Ranger District Office at 2693 Highway 200, west of Trout Creek, MT, or the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District office at 408 Clayton Street in Plains, MT. Contact the Designated Federal Official, John Gubel at 406-827-0714 or Plains/Thompson Falls District Ranger, Erin Carey at 406-826-4308 if you have any questions or are interested in serving on the RAC. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on July 17, 2019. MNAXLP
Thursday, July 11

Darcy Rae Winston
Darcy Rae Winston, 54, passed away on June 17, 2019, in Kalispell, Montana. Darcy was born May 20, 1965, in Atlantic, Iowa, to Jack and Emy Barringer. She attended elementary school in Atlantic and Hastings, Nebraska until the family moved back to Iowa in 1976, locating in Ames, where she attended Junior High and High School, graduating in 1983.

Barbara Joan Belles
Barbara Joan Belles passed away peacefully at her home on June 29, 2019 at the age of 81.
'You never know what you will find at a yard sale' - here's proof
Most people, when they walk through a yard sale and see the old paintings sitting off to the side they wouldn’t think twice, but one young man, who wouldn’t give his name, acted differently.

Locals go out of their way to help the bison
Of the many incredible animals in the United States few stand up in comparison to the mighty American bison.
Wednesday, July 10

Rodeo royalty

Fourth of July in St. Regis

Construction on new skatepark in Alberton to begin in early July
Alberton kids and adults will be able to skateboard in the Hank Roat Memorial Park at the end of the summer once a custom designed skatepark is built.

Shooting Sports Association developing new practice facility
The Mineral County Shooting Sports Association will no longer resort to practicing their shooting in the gravel pit, thanks to their recent 236-acre land purchase east of Superior.
Wednesday, July 3

Still no deal to reopen Mineral County detention center
Following attempts to reopen the Mineral County jail with help from a nonprofit private corporation, the detention center will remain closed when both failed to reach an agreement.

St. Regis Schools receive $50,000 grant
Superior, Alberton are denied

Sheriff honors deputies for saving man's life
Mineral County Sheriff Mike Boone recently lauded the efforts of two of his deputies, who worked to save a man’s life earlier this year.