Sunday, February 23, 2025

Good-"buy" America

| December 6, 2007 12:00 AM

Just to introduce myself. I am a 75-year-old, white, college educated, male. I have lived through a depression, a world war, two police actions and now, Iraqi freedom.

I am mad as hell and I expect that I will die mad. I see no real potential for change in political leadership that will correct the issues that threaten American sovereignty and economic well being!

Since World War II, no nation or coalition of nations has presented a real threat to the sovereignty of the United States of America.

The threat to united states sovereignty is not external, but internal. Politicians of all parties have exchanged deeds for greed! As greedy as the "robber barons" were they never placed the United States in the jeopardy that modern corporations present.

But it is the politicians of both parties whose actions and inactions go beyond malfeasance and approach treason! Unfortunately, our politicians have forgotten the difference between compromising and being compromised.

I have lived long enough to have seen the United States sovereignty being sold, lock, stock and barrel by politicians. They have forgotten that they work for the citizens of the United States and they continue to ignore the will of the people! We are trillions of dollars in debt. Our trade agreements keep building deficits and not fair trade. We continue to borrow money to give away and not to invest in America.

They have done nothing to stop the criminal entry invasion across our southern border; that continues to erode the middle class and diminish salaries at all levels, with the exception of the corporate level salaries. They can make millions while running a corporation into bankruptcy.

They have told us that we simply need better education for the new jobs. To get the education that they say is necessary our children and grandchildren are no having to go into debt for at least $50,000 and more likely over $100,000. My wife and I were able to pay our way through college without going into debt, but my grandson will owe over $70,000. Senator Durbin says he has looked into the eyes of criminal entrants and sees a fire for education. It is time that he looks into the eyes of American citizens and sees the fire that will go out when we use our tax dollars to fund education for criminal entrants.

They like to talk about the United States being the worlds only super power. They may be stupid, but not even politicians can believe that China is not a super power! China is forcing industry after industry to close as they increase their control of American markets. Once they control the markets, they control the prices. Politicians have placed America trillions of dollars in debt to China.

Politicians are selling our basic infrastructure to foreign nations and corporations, even to the extent that it threatens our national security.

Medical care in the United States is on the verge of collapse. Working American citizens cannot afford comprehensive medical insurance and medical facilities are being forced to provide medical care to criminal entrants and writing off the costs. Many are simply closing their doors, medical and social benefits are being provided to criminal entrants at the expense of tax payers who cannot get those same benefits.

And just to make it clear on how politicians are looking out for the taxpaying citizen, you may have seen TV ads for the tax forgiveness program the politicians passed. If you owe more than $10,000, you can negotiate away that tax debt. Doesn't that make you feel better about having paid your taxes? Have you seen any auto insurance ads lately? Does your policy include a "forgiveness clause?" Do you purchase insurance to protect yourself against major losses? But the insurance companies no longer expect you to make a claim. You will have your rates increased or your policy canceled if you make a claim. What have the politicians done to address this rip-off?

Are you on the verge of losing your home to foreclosure or know someone who is? What did the politicians do when they saw under prime loans, credit cards offered to high school students and others who did not have qualifications adequate to receive any type of loan? They changed the bankruptcy laws to ensure that the corporations were protected!

And now the politicians are preparing to turn over control of American vessels on the high seas to international control. United States sovereignty?

The president and former president of Mexico were in Los Angeles to organize a political party to oppose American immigration laws and to demand amnesty for all present and future criminal entrants into the United States. How many politicians did you hear speaking out against this interference in the laws and policies of the United States? Call it what you may, it is amnesty! If the politicians were really interested in stooping the criminal entry of the United States they would have included in the legislation penalties for employing criminal entrants, denied all social benefits and denied citizenship to children of criminal entrants born in the United States.

It is time to clean house — and senate. The only way to get past politicians ignoring the will of American citizens is to deliver a clear message to remind them who they work for! Demand that they change the laws so that they only receive social security benefits when they retire.

Dump the incumbents, good bad and indifferent!

As a Republican politician said when he stated that he wanted to see Lieberman reelected, "He knows how to play the game!" representing United States citizens is no game! Forget your political affiliation. One party is no better than the other. And third party presidential candidates are just ego trips. Politicians have ignored the people they work for far, far too long.

After I got out of the Army I always was sure that I would die in the United States. Now, without any ones approval they are planning on establishing the North American safety and prosperity organization allowing unrestrained movement between Mexico, Canada and the United States. Is this United States sovereignty?

Now I expect to die in Mexicanusa. America has been sold out! A good-buy for them! A disaster for America.

Gerald C. Hart

Thompson Falls