Monday, February 24, 2025

Have a cold or flu?

| December 11, 2007 12:00 AM

Soup's on!

I take exception to the article printed in the "Health Scene" newsletter I received this past week in my mailbox, put out by the Clark Fork Valley Hospital.

Under the heading "Debunking cold and flu myths" - I'm wondering who researched this info, which was probably put out by the American Medical Association.

If the research had been adequately done someone would have known that food old fashioned homemade chicken soup is good for an illness.

Also supplements of vitamin C, echinacea, zinc, golden seal and garlic [are] no help with the cold or flu.

I don't have the figures here to give you, but it's out there. The research has been done!

I'm appalled that a medical institution in this day and age could blatantly refute these remedies to the public in a wide-spread mailing.

Makes me kind of fearful to consult any physicians at this facility if I'm real sick with a cold or flu bug. Soup's on!

Janet Culver
