Saturday, March 01, 2025


by Deb Davis-Quitt
| December 26, 2007 12:00 AM

December 26, 1957: Miller Brothers Convert to Texaco Stations—At the end of the calendar year, Miller Brothers of St. Regis will turn the operation of their service station near the big highway bridge over to Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Kielty.

Sherman and Wayne Miller have obtained the Mineral County franchise on petroleum fuel distribution for the Texas Company.

They have the bulk station for Texaco and will service several stations in the county from St. Regis.

A number of years ago the bulk plant in St. Regis went by the trade name of Shell Oil and stations were serviced throughout the county.

Miller Brothers obtained the bulk plant from William Sears and took on the Union Oil Company of California products.

This past summer they changed to Texaco. In doing so, they merged or converted some local stations.

Business outlets for Texaco now include Archie Farr's station in Alberton, Roy Pugh's station in Superior (the former Union 76 station in Superior has been discontinued), Al's Highway Service in Haugan and Kreklau's in St. Regis.

Car License Sales Nearly A Thousand—Car license sales by the Mineral County Treasurer's office were only three short of a thousand as the end of the year approached. This compares with 1,017 sold in 1956 and more than 925 in 1955.

Truck licenses continue to increase with 483, compared with 477 last year and 437 in 1955. One hundred and eight large trailer licenses and 75 small trailer licenses have been sold this year, compared to 14 and four more over last year, respectively.

Mills Modernize Log Handling—A recent innovation adopted at the Diamond Match mill is a remote control mechanism for the operation of the log carriage.

This puts the sawing operation entirely under the control of the sawyer. Formerly, he worked as a team with the setter who rode back and forth with the carriage and log.

Bob Steury, day shift sawyer, said it takes a while to learn to run the rig.

Production was slowed for about a month while the sawyers, Steury and Donald Jacobson, and the relief men, got the hang of the thing.

By the previous method, the setter operated the dogs which hold the log in place and the thickness of the cut was determined by the sawyer and signaled to the setter by hand signals.

It is reported that the C.G. Bennett mill at St. Regis is contemplating a similar change.

Ten years ago, the Bennett mill operated a carriage with two setters and and operated levers. Later it was converted to a power-operated carriage which one man controls.

In the Military: Fireman Apprentice Eugene Byers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Byers of Superior, is home from San Diego for the holidays.

Marine Private Edward Iholts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iholts of Superior, arrived from San Diego training center for the holidays. He will be assigned to Camp Pendleton, California on his return.

Army Pfc. Jon Viche is home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Viche in Superior.

Jon recently completed a tour of duty at Keflavik, Iceland and will be assigned to Fort Ord, California. Sgt. and Mrs. Jerald Flemming and Mike of Spokane spent Christmas at the P.L. O'Neill home in Superior. Mrs. Flemming is the former Margaret O'Neill.

Baby Boomers: Mr. and Mrs. Morrison "Maury" Corn of Houghton, Michigan are the parents of their second son—Steven Neil—born last month, according to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Corn of Superior, the grandparents. Maury is a geological engineer of the Kerr-McKee Oil Company and expects to be transferred to North Carolina soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Gould of Quartz are the parents of an eight-pound, two-ounce boy—Richard Raymond—born December 19 at the Mineral hospital.

Tamietti Twins Turn 11—Mrs. Francis Tamietti was hostess to a group of youngsters at her home on December 6 in celebration of the 11th birthday of her twins, Arleen and Archie.

Guests included Butch Toomey, Sammy Viche, Timmy Wilkinson, Stephen Moats, Tommy Castles, Margie Lynn McLaughlin, Karen Freer, Marla Rowe, Peggy Arpan and Lynda Jones. Games were played and refreshments served.

At the Strand: "The Delicate Delinquent" starring Jerry Lewis, Martha Hyer and Darren McGavin plus Chapter 1 of "Congo Bill;" and Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner and Helen Hayes star in "Anastasia;" also Marilyn Monroe and Laurence Olivier in "The Prince and the Showgirl."