Saturday, March 01, 2025

Punish pedophiles as harsh as murderers

| April 2, 2008 12:00 AM

“Child molesters such as Guill are the most selfish, vile beings ever to inhabit our space”

There has been much in the papers regarding the fairness in sentencing of Danny Resler, the man who pleaded guilty to two counts of vehicular homicide.

Let us recognize that Danny appears to be remorseful for taking these lives. He had the opportunity to drag out his case and postpone judgment, continuing the heartache for the families of the boys, but he humbly stood before the judge and said he was ready to take whatever the judge decided to hand to him. For all he knew, that could have been life in prison.

In contrast, we have a criminal, such as Douglas Guill. Like so many other child molesters, Douglas himself cried victim - some elaborate plan concocted by his wife and children scheming to get his fortune. Child molesters like Guill have no problem re-victimizing their sufferers by putting them through the humiliation of a trial, dragging them through the legal process for months, even years. These pedophiles want us to believe that they are the innocent ones, caught up in a child's misunderstanding, confusion. No - when we hear from these children, we can rest assured this crime has been committed. These brave victims come forward with their horrid tale, not only to seek justice for themselves, but to prevent other children from being victimized. Child molesters such as Guill are the most selfish, vile beings ever to inhabit our space. They take from their victim blissful childhoods, innocence and happiness. They replace it with humiliation, guilt and helplessness. These victims must carry this for the rest of their lives. They are robbed of the memories of a happy childhood, while other children recall riding bikes, time with friends, and playing games, these children can recall being forced to perform the most horrible acts. For Douglas Guill's victim, she has been robbed of so much more, for she never knew what a happy childhood could have been. Not so unlike the lives of those two boys taken in one tragic moment, lives that could have been, are no more for victims preyed upon by the pedophiles living among us.

Child molestation is rampant in this country - it's time to make an example of these pedophiles and demand that our justice system punish them every bit as much as someone who has committed murder. It's time for the citizens of this county to be as passionate about justice for victims of rape and incest as we are for the families who lose loved ones in drunken accidents.

Douglas Guill sits in his cell now awaiting his sentence. I would suggest we all voice our opinion loud and clear as to what that sentence should be. Just what should he get for the 20-plus years of hell he delivered to his daughter? My apologies here, but what I would have in mind for him, is not fit for print.

Our opinions matter greatly, as seen in the rejection of the plea agreement from Judge Kim Christopher in the Resler case. Our impassioned pleas for justice were heard. Let us do it again and send a message to all the other pedophiles out there that we take justice seriously in Sanders County.

To those 12 jury members in the Guill trial - you have gained my deepest respect, for you have shown that there will be justice for victims of these horrific crimes. And to the most poignant hero yet, the victim herself, you have given hope to many.

Mary Halling
