Sunday, February 23, 2025

Read on further - there is no gray

| April 2, 2008 12:00 AM

I like to have people read a chapter in the Bible one at a time. It kind of gives you an idea of the time and what is going on. Some have been telling people that the Bible is gray here is where you prove yourself wrong.

You state that God put the rainbow in the sky and promised not to ever destroy humanity again. Wrong!

Reread the scripture. God said never again will He flood the earth. Never again will all flesh be killed by the waters! Now go to Revelation 20:7-10. Fire devours the ones who have be deceived, along with them also the devil, the beast and false prophet. There is still to come a final cleansing of the earth - through fire.

Now you insist that God accepts homosexuality, bisexuality, etc. Not one minute piece of scripture agrees with you. Here it is again in black and white in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.

God is absolutely clear on His stance. You said that I need to denounce homosexuality in another passage; there it is. It is you that have twisted the Bible to fit your agenda. I had a gentleman tell me that he asks this question: “On what do you base your belief on?” If it is not the Bible, what is it? Yes, Sodom and Gomorrah were inhospitable, but the sexual perversion was an abomination to God. Lot thought he could protect the angels that came looking like men by offering his daughters (mind you angels do not need our protection).

He knew this was wrong, but this would have been the lesser of the two evils. The abomination was so great in God's eyes that He not only burns the cities and all in them, He also burns the plains and the ground under the cities.

You said to read Romans 2:1. I tell you that you should have read the chapter before, too.

God, in Romans 2:1, is talking to the people that practice the ways mentioned in the previous verses and yet judge others that are doing the mentioned sins, also. I will put it like this. God is saying that you, while you yourself are doing the sins I have mentioned and not repenting, cannot judge others because of their sins. Again I encourage you to read more of chapter 2.

I know a few people that came out of the homosexual life style with the help of the Trinity. They are being so blessed it is incredible! But they chose to live according to God's word, not according to the way they wanted. It was extremely hard for them to get their lives straightened out but they did. There is a Web site called “youtube” that shows great things that the Lord is doing. This is were you can hear and see that God loves the people but hates the sin and when we repent (asking for forgiveness and not repeating the sin) he is more than willing to bless us.

Sherry Welty
