Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Attacks call for needed response

| April 9, 2008 12:00 AM

 I'll respond to the attacks by the pro SCCFF people against me, in answer to Mary Curry's letter, I will address that one in much the same way that I would address the other two being that they are so similar. I will address those letters on a “point by point” basis.

First please allow me to say that I thought that the “whining” thing was surely a bit harsh and certainly unwarranted. I'll refute what you say using a thing called logic.  First of all I don't believe that the person who wrote the letter could have performed more than a cursory glance at my letter. If you had read the letter in the entirety of the narrative, then you surely would have read that I did indeed mention that “I'm sure that some men do in fact beat the living daylights out of their spouse” and that's a direct quote as was written. I was also asked how I knew that SCCFF wouldn't help a man.  Perhaps you're right about this and they do in fact help men on an equal basis, though I don't believe it for a minute. If SCCFF would provide me with the stats on how many women they helped, say in the last year, as opposed to men, then I'd surely like to see it. Please SCCFF, do that, but I won't hold my breath until you decide to make those figures public. The intent of my letter was simply to point out that the writing in the Valley Press that read: “When a person tries to control you, HE may do the following” was a bit unfair. I felt that it should have read He/She. To make the assumption that only men can be controlling is simply wrong. I was also asked how many men I know who have been controlled or threatened by a woman. The answer to that one is many.

In fact, I've had quite a few come up to me and commend me for standing up for what is certainly a biased statement in that article. One even approached me with his wife and she, too, agreed that SCCFF wasn't acting in the best interests of families. 

It was stated that SCCFF's goal (is it a goal or a reality?) is to stop the circle of violence.

Well, here is a suggestion using something that I again like to refer to as logic. Perhaps family counseling, including the whole of the family, and that would include the father and/or husband, might work better toward keeping the family together and in harmony rather than sending the woman to a presumed shelter and the children perhaps to a foster home. That's called division of the family construct and in no way suggests that SCCFF is working for families, as their name suggests. 

I'm truly saddened to learn about what happened to your mother and father and it is my wish that the murderer will be caught and brought to justice.

My guess is that the state will perform some violence of their own on him, if he's caught, and put him to death, which is no less than he deserves. I was also asked if I was going to protect your daughter and her children when the man who tried to kill her and beat her gets out of jail. Well, I would hope that he's learned his lesson and that he wouldn't even think of such an act again, but if that unfortunate circumstance were to happen and I happened to be in the vicinity, sure, I would offer my aid immediately, though it would not be incumbent on me to do so. We have people who handle things like that. They wear badges and carry guns on their sides. They're called police officers. 

Here's a novel idea. Instead of calling on SCCFF to put a woman into a shelter, why not call on the law and put the perpetrator in a shelter of sorts of his own making, a thing called a jail cell. And, if he is stupid enough to try the same thing again, then put him away for the rest of his unnatural life.

Our legal system works very well if given the chance. 

It was also brought up that we need a self defense class. How very interesting. It just so happens that we already have one right in Plains. It's taught by my son. He teaches Jiu-Jitsu, which is a self defense that compensates for the smaller person, so females do well with this form of martial arts. He'd really love for you to attend and I mean that.

As far as the letter from Ms. Layton goes, I'll make this one very short in the interest of brevity. Just please get SCCFF to make public their records on how many women versus men they helped last year and how much they spent doing it and also what their officers made in salaries.  I'd be very interested in that. Perhaps I am to be educated on a thing that I'm wrong about. If so, then I'll take my lumps. I'll end my letter here with this. Thanks for mentioning the fact that many men don't report abuse on their persons. I always enjoy it when someone makes a statement in support of my argument. I'm happy to see that you agree with me.


Paul Necessary
