Friday, December 5
Conservation District Supervisors' meeting Dec. 16
Mineral County Conservation District Supervisors will meet on Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. at the MSU Mineral County Extension Office, 301 Second Ave. E., Superior, MT 59872. An agenda will be posted at the Extension Office.
Christmas Candle Light Service Dec. 21
A Christmas Candle Light Service will be held at Superior Assembly of God at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 21 with candle lighting, special music, carol singing and the Christmas story. Everyone is welcome to come and share in the joy of the season.
Toastmasters: Dec. 11
Mylinda Smiley will be the toastmaster’s speaker on Dec. 11.
Plains Red Hatters meet Dec. 20
The Plains Red Hatters will meet Dec. 20 at the Butcher’s Nook at 11:30 a.m. for their luncheon.

Remnants of Plains train crash removed
Cars from October's train wreck are removed from the crash site along the river more than a month after the derailment. For more information, see next week's Valley Press
Christmas Reenactment Dec. 13 & 14
A reenactment of that holy night will take place in the yard beside the Superior Assembly of God chuch at the end of Second Ave. East at 6:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 and 14 Free cookies, hot chocolate and hot cider will be served in the foyer of the church where you can get warm. The "Live Nativity" will be performed with the heavenly host, shepherds, wise men, Mary & Joseph, baby Jesus, sheep and a donkey. Everyone is welcome to stop by and enjoy this wonderful time of the year.
Art Exhibit: Jan. 15
The Hospital will be hosting the 1st Quarter Sanders County Artist Council Art Exhibit on Jan. 15 at 5:00 p.m. in the Main Hospital Entrance Lobby. This art show is particularly special since it will be featuring youth artists around Sanders County. You are welcome to attend and join in the festivities. Snacks and refreshments will be provided and many of the artists and their parents will be in attendance if you want to interview any of them.
Obituary: Linda J. Toomey
SUPERIOR — Linda Jean Toomey, 61, of Superior, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at Mineral Community Hospital of natural causes.
Toastmasters: Dec. 18
Dec. 18’s meeting is at the Hermes place East of Paradise for a potluck Christmas Party at 6:30 p.m. Families are invited.
Local schools voted "best of 2009"
USA Today has selected several local schools as part of a list of "Best High Schools of 2009." Bronze medal schools included Hot Springs, St. Regis, Charlo and St. Ignatius. For more information, see Wednesday's Valley Press and Mineral Independent.
Horseback caroling Dec. 13
Hot Springs will host horseback Christmas caroling Sat. Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. The singing starts and ends at the city park behind the Exxon station.
Thursday, December 4
Billet family claims city responsible for damage
Nick Ianniello

50 year celebration for Queen of Heaven
Nick Ianniello
Plains first quarter honor roll

Rifle raffle entries due Friday
Entries in the Valley Press/Mineral Independent Rifle Raffle are due by 5 p.m Friday, Dec. 5. No exceptions. For more information, see this week's paper.
Wednesday, December 3

Lytle pleads guilty to assault charges
Nick Ianniello
Residents remember Thanksgiving during the Great Depression
Heather Hasty

Tigers prepare to surprise
Nick Ianniello
Noxon Red Devils get ready to rock and roll
Jamie Doran and Heather Hasty
Child abduction attempt ends peacefully
Jamie Doran
Horsemen and Trotter teams gear up to strut
Heather Hasty
Hunting slowest since 1997
Results at the six northwest Montana check stations indicated that the 2008 hunting season was one of the slowest since 1997.
Kittens stolen from shelter retrieved
Jamie Doran
Fresh blood for Heat
Jamie Doran
Couple arrested for poaching
Nick Ianniello

Students travel over 300 miles to compete in Olympiad
Melynda Harrison
Mineral County Food Bank sends out more than 700 pounds of turkey
Nick Ianniello
Lady Tigers ready for a fight
Nick Ianniello

Thanksgiving blessings
Heather Hasty