Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Police chief: Be aware of pedestrian safety

by Sarah Leavenworth<br>Valley
| January 16, 2008 12:00 AM

Plains Police Chief Shawn Emmett is urging local motorists and pedestrians to be cautious, attentive and aware of traffic rules.

"The message here is for everybody … to be more aware of what's going on around them," said Emmett.

Emmett said pedestrian issues are not common in Plains, but an accident involving a child being hit by a vehicle during the Sanders County Fair this year illustrates the need for pedestrians and motorists to exercise caution and be aware of each other. Most of the pedestrian problems occur on main street in Plains, said Emmett. Though many drivers yield to pedestrians crossing the streets at any point, motorists have the right of way with the exception of designated crosswalks, according to Emmett. Emmett said it is not illegal to cross the streets at non-designated crossing areas, but pedestrians not crossing at crosswalks must yield to vehicles.

Plains does not have a j-walking ordinance, and Emmett said he does not intend to encourage the implementation of such a rule. Rather, Emmett said drivers and people crossing the streets on foot need to use common sense.

Emmett said he has not seen other pedestrian problems beyond main street. Visibility at the intersection of Farmer Street and Railroad Avenue has caused some pedestrian and vehicle safety concerns, and a mirror was added to the exterior of Colleen's Country Store to help drivers spot people crossing the street.

He said crossing guards were added several years ago to help children safely cross the streets to school in the morning and afternoon. Bicyclists have caused some problems in town, said Emmett. Skateboarding and bicycling is prohibited by ordinance on the north side of Railroad between Clayton and Hubbard.

Bicyclists are required to obey the same laws as vehicles, said Emmett, who noted school children have been encouraged to push their bikes across crosswalks. Bikers using crosswalks need to stop at stop signs, signal, travel with the flow of traffic and obey other traffic laws, he said.

According to town ordinance, pedestrians can be ticketed for crossing in a non-designated crossing area if they fail to yield to a vehicle. Bicyclists can also be ticketed for violations, said Emmett.

A bike rodeo used to be held in town to educate kids about bicycle safety, and Emmett said the Plains Police Department and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary plan to coordinate another rodeo this summer to teach safety, inspect bikes and make sure children have helmets.

Emmett said police presence is increased to help regulate pedestrians and traffic during Plains Day, the Sanders County Fair and other events that draw more people to town. Questions about pedestrian laws and safety issues can contact the Plains Police Department at 826-5990.