Monday, March 03, 2025

Young people should be involved in politics

| July 16, 2008 12:00 AM


Congratulations Justin [Happel, who wrote in two weeks ago to say he’d be supporting Ron Paul in his first Presidential Election — ed. note].

It’s great to see a young person actually getting involved in our political system, too many young people just don’t take time to pay attention.

Of course I strongly disagree with your choice and I hate to see your valuable vote wasted.

Our country is facing a terrible dilemma, with America being forced to buy oil from people who don’t really like us.

Just think, we send billions and billions of dollars to someone else to buy what we have lots of right here in American, think also of all the good paying jobs drilling, building pipelines many, many, many jobs that we have been missing out on, the taxes that would be paid, the royalties that could be directed into alternative energies, if we would just get busy and drill wherever oil can be found.

I shudder to think of the day that fuel becomes so expensive that the trucks don’t deliver diapers to the market, I would imagine at that time we will hear drill, drill, drill.

I am trying my level best to get John McCain to make a trip to the North Slope Oil Field and to ANWR so he can decide what is best for America. At least we would have our own supply and would not have to worry about being cut off.

Offshore, ANWR, oil shale, my backyard and your backyard drill, drill, drill.

Pat E. Killgore,

Plains, MT