Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tim Read efficient, professional

| July 30, 2008 12:00 AM

I am forwarding this letter to lend my support to Tim Read. My family has on occasion used the services Mr. Read provides as the County Planner. Our interactions with Mr. Read have always been positive experiences and he has always performed his duties politely, efficiently and professionally.

Conversely, I question the motives of the developers who have presently entangled Mr. Read in controversy over his job performance and personal integrity.

I have had the misfortune to know one of these “developers” will stop at nothing to have his way; including physical assaults, threats of economic ruination to towns, and his favorite threat “litigation.” The language the aforementioned individual utilizes to describe his interactions with Mr. Read is more akin to his own history than that of Mr. Read’s. Call it what it is, a BULLY!

Whether or not the growth and development policies for our county are too stringent are not the issues you must address at this time. You have instated them, and you have entrusted Mr. Read to enforce them. I implore you to do the right thing, and stand behind Mr. Read. If your policies aren’t working fix them. If the work load is unreasonable adjust it. Don’t use Mr. Read for your “fall guy.” You’ve gotten input from the developers, now you are receiving it from your “ordinary” constituents. Mr. Read should be your most reliable source as to where the break-down in the system exists, if in fact one does exist, as he is the man in the trenches. I trust as you sift through the melee, you will know where to look for the spin. Who stands to benefit from the removal of Mr. Read? A few.

Please don’t reinforce a bully’s belief that his proclamation of grandeur and his forceful clamor, along with the rancor of his cohorts, entitles he and they to special privileges or may result in the removal of those they deem obstacles in their kingdom.

Deb Boyes
