Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thanks for voting

| November 12, 2008 12:00 AM


I am very grateful for the overwhelming support¬Ý from the voters and for this I thank them.¬Ý I worked¬Ý hard and tried to do what is right according to the principles that this country was founded upon.¬Ý ¬ÝTo those who worked on this campaign and help finance it; you held me up when I needed it and encouraged me to keep going when I was tired.¬Ý I believe that God sent you into my path at a specific time for a specific purpose and I am very thankful for that. ¬ÝNow the work begins in another direction.¬Ý It appears we may be in for some troubling times and¬Ýit will hold many challenges.¬Ý I will do my best to serve the people in this senate district and I would appreciate your continued prayers.

Greg Hinkle

Senator-elect SD 17