Monday, February 24, 2025

Questions regarding crisis

| October 1, 2008 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

Which party has been in control of Congress for the past two years?

Who has cried foul, introduced legislation but been ignored by those in control?

Who took huge donations from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

Which candidate (and his media friends), and party have ignored their own involvement, instead obfuscating the issue by falsely blaming the President/conservatives?

Wasn’t this supposed to be the “most open and ethical congress in history?”

Doesn’t this look historically like a setup for certain future failure, timed to embarrass the President/conservatives?

What ever happened to Personal Responsibility? You borrow money, you pay it back, PERIOD.

What are (so called) journalists asking ridiculous policy questions, demanding facts and examples of Governor Palin when they have given a free ride to Biden/Obama?

Why did the liberals include earmarks in their first bailout plan?

Ultimately, who is going to get screwed? Bet it’s you and I.

Why are we ever considering electing/re-electing anyone who has been in public office more than two terms?

Why can’t our liberal friend from Superior write a letter to the editor without a litany of talking points from the folks like George Soros?

Kenneth C. Matthiesen
