Saturday, February 22, 2025

Support Chuck Baldwin

| October 1, 2008 12:00 AM

Support Chuck Baldwin

We are $9.8 trillion dollars in debt. Each adult owes $49,000.

Insanity is to think you can keep doing the same thing and get different results. Are “The fundamentals of our economy strong”, Mr. McCain? No! Do we need “CHANGE”, Mr. Obama? Yes, we do. Do we want to change to something that we know works, or do we want to change toward some idea in someone’s mind? What can we change to, that we know works? No need to panic. Lets not “change” just to do “something” different.

America, what has worked in the past, and then stopped working? See the history of the Consumer Price Index at the following Web site:

When did the trend change? Our economy was consistent prior to the unconstitutional transfer of authority from the Congress to the private company called the Federal Reserve, starting December 23, 1913.

This brought unhealthy incentive into our monetary system that our founding fathers foresaw. This is the reason why Article 1 Section 8 was put in the US Constitution. (Congress has the power to: “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,…”)

The “Peoples House” (Congress) had no incentive to swindle the “people”, but a private bank (The Fed) has incentive to make money for themselves, and that, they have done! We need to go back to our Constitutional roots. It worked in the past, and will again, if we have the courage to return. Fire the Federal Reserve! Bring back Constitutional monetary control. Chuck Baldwin is a write in candidate in Montana and on the ballot under the Constitution Party in most other states. He is the only candidate that promotes the old ways. I encourage you to learn about a real option for America, while we still have options. See:

Mark French
