Thursday, March 13, 2025

'ÄúPush polls'Äù illegal

| October 8, 2008 12:00 AM

Dear Editor,

We have become aware that ’ÄúPush Polls’Äù are being conducted by Republican-sponsored pollsters to attempt to assassinate the character and to suggest that certain Democrat candidates are not fit for public office. Polls that suggest falsely that a candidate has committed a crime, will increase your taxes, or has engaged in some unscrupulous behavior are not polls at all. They are the most libelous, disrespectful, and disgusting form of political propaganda with the intent of misinforming voters by creating false negative impressions of candidates. They are illegal in Montana.

Candidates for the Montana State Senate and House of Representatives run for their positions as citizen legislators. These are not permanent, full time jobs and often, substantial personal sacrifices in time and money are made by candidates as they conduct their campaigns. In Montana, we don’Äôt need big city tactics undermining our democratic process and discouraging candidates from running. Would you run for public office if you thought your character would be attacked with lies and smears in your local community?

I encourage any citizen who receives one of these telephone calls to write down the questions, demand the contact information and name of the organization conducting the ’Äúpoll’Äù and contact the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices (tel. # 406-444-2942) to report these calls. The integrity of our democratic process in Montana is too important for us to ignore this damning and damaging practice.

Respectfully, Judy Reall

Sanders County Democrats, Chair