Thursday, March 06, 2025

Business equipment tax hurts economy

| October 15, 2008 12:00 AM

Dear voters,

Republicans in past control took the Business Equipment Tax from 12 to 9 to 6 to 3 percent over three sessions, with a rate of 0 percent when a level of economic growth had been reached. This helped get us to the $500 million surplus via job growth. Most of the surplus was individual tax returns.

Well, our friends across the aisle reversed the process, kept the 3 percent. This tax is on everyone, from a one man garage business to big guys. Greg Hinkle SD7 and Gordon Hendrick HD14 will work to build jobs by getting rid of this unfair taxing every year, work for permanent property tax relief and lower income tax rates. But here’s the deal! Republicans have to be in control to get this done, with a like-minded governor on board. That would be governor candidate Roy Brown. I know Roy, Gordon and Greg personally. They are men of the highest moral and ethical character and will stay true to their promises. They will make us a business-friendly, business stable state again.

Sylvia Bookout-Reinicke

Termed-out representative
