Monday, March 03, 2025

Support Pat Ingraham

| October 15, 2008 12:00 AM

Voters of Sanders County — I have served in the Montana Senate and Montana House of Representatives with both candidates for HD 13. From that experience, I would urge the re-election of Representative Pat Ingraham to the Montana Legislature.

Rep. Ingraham brings a refreshing representation of the needs of rural Montana to the Legislature. Her background and insight into local government is very valuable to the other members of the Montana Legislature.

Representative Ingraham serves on the Local Government and State Administrations Committees and is a great source of information for the rest of us. She is the best representative that rural Montana voters and local taxpayers could have in Helena.

The Montana Legislature has its share of “high rollers,” “Tax and Spend liberals,” radical environmentalists, and “out-of-state know-it-alls.” We need more “down to earth” representatives like Pat Ingraham who actually understand Montana worker’s and taxpayer’s needs from a grass root perspective.


Rep. Ed Butcher, HD 29 (Former State Senator)

Current Chairman House Agriculture Committee, member of the House Taxation and Education Committees.