Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Don't base votes on rumors

| October 22, 2008 12:00 AM

Letter To The Editor,

So…I’m out in public today (my first mistake). I engage in a brief conversation with a woman who was, and is still, unknown to me.

The subject of politics comes up. I mention offhandedly about having extreme interest in the last presidential debate coming up on Oct. 15.

She says, “Are you voting for the Traitor or the Muslim?” Had I not been quicker on my feet than the average person….I might easily have tripped over my jaw as it dropped in amazement.

The Traitor? She referred to Arizona Sen. John McCain…an American hero. Not a single one of us has ever endured a MOMENT of the pain and torture that John McCain endured for years in a prison camp in Hanoi. Those of us without the courage and conviction that he showed during his imprisonment would have gladly run over our grandmas to avoid having been hung by the arms for days at a time until they came out of their sockets.

Clearly, her Muslim reference was directed at Illinois Sen. Barack Obama. Whether you agree with his politics or not…the clear fact is that he is a Christian….not a Muslim.

Let me say here and now….if this is the extent of the knowledge of the candidates that the majority of Americans have….I pray to God that on Election Day….their cars won’t start, lest they take their misinformed selves to the polls and cast their vote based on rumor and misinformation.

Susan Schroedel
