Monday, March 03, 2025

Strine “refreshing”

| October 22, 2008 12:00 AM

Something I have never witnessed before, right here in T.F.!

Prior to starting Mountain Machines Performance in 2001, and moving the company here last year, I have had the opportunity to acquire three Bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice, law and mental health and was employed in the criminal justice field. I worked in the Chicago outskirts, Ohio, Wenatchee and Seattle, King County, Washington. In working in these specialized fields, I have had also had the opportunity to witness approximately 25 different judges of all calibers and avenues of the Judicial system. I thought I had seen just about everything in a court room, but I was wrong – I saw something new, right here in Thompson Falls!

This spring, I witnessed Judge Don Strine actually say that he, “Had never come across that before and would seek more information and get back to us in a few days.” True to his word, there was a follow-up within three days received in the mail.

As someone that has witnessed many judges and their behavior (for lack of a better word) I was very impressed! In previous experiences, the majority of judges I witnessed exhibited arrogance, belligerence, “talking down to” people and moodiness without maintaining stability in their behavior. My encounter with Judge Strine was a refreshing experience!

This may not seem like a big issue to most, but with my background, I have seen many people that may be in a courtroom for the first time and to most, it is a scary place. To have someone that can explain the law, help relieve anxiety and not exhibit moodiness or¬Ýattitude as a judge, is a huge plus for this wonderful county we moved to.

I have since learned of his background and am more comforted by knowing that he has experienced the escalated environments and human behaviors at their worst as a previous law enforcement official. Field study adds a lot in this game, you cannot live by books alone!

In watching the news and seeing the sad state our country is experiencing, we have to take more accountability for our town, city, state and country governments. No matter who you vote for in these coming elections, take the time to educate yourselves and most of all, GET OUT AND VOTE! Talk to the people that are running, their office personnel they work with and see what they are really like. Visit Web sites to see how senators are voting and what they stand for. It is up to us have our voices heard!

By the way, thank you for welcoming us to move to this great community with our company and families, we are glad to be here!

Maria Morton

Owner — MMP

Thompson Falls