Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sue Cooperman professional and ethical

| October 29, 2008 12:00 AM

Dear Editor,

I am compelled to respond to William Butte’s incendiary letter to the Editor about the JP Candidate, Sue Cooperman (CF Valley Press 10/22/08). Sue has run the most professional, the most ethical campaign I have ever seen. She has been forthright and clear about the duties and the responsibilities of the Justice of the Peace and how she is the best candidate for the job. She has never attacked her opponent personally or professionally.

I have several questions for Mr. William Butte. Does he have personal experience with Sue Cooperman? Just what did Sue Cooperman’s “co-workers” and “Justice Court office staff” have to say to Bill Butte and why are they not coming forward? Is he relying solely on what the Courthouse rumor mill has churned out? How can he make accusations about Sue’s character when he has never had contact with her?

I have known and worked with Sue, professionally and personally, for more than 10 years. Professionally, she is intelligent, focused, confident and compassionate. Personally, she is kind, thoughtful, considerate and a hoot to spend time with. Sue Cooperman has all the personal qualities and professional experience needed to be Justice of the Peace for Sanders County.

I am voting for Sue Cooperman for Justice of the Peace.

Gayle Seratt

Trout Creek