Thursday, March 06, 2025

Support Hinkle, Strine and Ingraham

| October 29, 2008 12:00 AM

We know Greg Hinkle. We have worshipped with him, studied with him and we’re sorry, but he has the values we agree with. We will state that¬Ýwe have argued strongly with Greg about some theological issues but we have never doubted where he stood morally. So, although we don’t always agree with him, we know his heart!

When we talked with Greg he admitted to wording his reply badly. We choose to judge a man’s heart (and actions) much more than his words.¬Ý Any one of us can misspeak when under pressure.

The Democratic party’s last little flyer was the straw that broke the camel’s proverbial back. You are right, the negativity of this campaign makes us sick. (And yes I do understand you have no control over what the send out by the party). But why not just say how you stand on the issues rather than how the other candidate stands? Period! Let their words speak for themselves.¬Ý

One big issue,¬Ýwe believe in is that life is sacred, that the Holy and Awesome God we live to serve, is the Creator of life. Greg believes in the values that this country was founded on. We are voting Greg Hinkle, in fact, we’ve already done so.

Paul, I (Lea) worked with [Paul Clark] and Sherry at Spring Creek way back in ‘88 - ‘89. I enjoyed working with you both very much. I just believe¬Ýthe values I so strongly support, line up more closely with Greg’s than your own.

Please know that this is about the morals and¬Ývalues¬Ýwe support most…such as pro life. It is not personal. And please, no one out there take this to insinuate that I think Paul an “immoral” man, I don’t. Paul is a fun, gentle guy. I just line up more on the conservative side.

I (Lea)¬Ýregistered as a Republican at a young age, however, I have never been one to vote party lines. I vote for the person that I feel will best help preserve¬Ýthe foundation on which our founding fathers’ established this great nation…and that would be the Lord God Almighty. “One Nation Under God.”

That is why we also support Don Strine and Pat Ingraham!


Mick and Lea Herndon

Thompson Falls