Thursday, March 13, 2025

Support John McCain

| October 29, 2008 12:00 AM

Why vote for John McCain?

If there are reasons to vote for him-What are they?

We are in the most unbelievable and the most unprecendented of times. All of us are aware of the threat from terrorists. All of us are also aware of the global meltdown in the financial markets. AND, as if the terrorist threat along with the financial meltdown isn’t enough, we also have the Russian Bear extending it’s ugly paws to all corners of the globe.

So, lets take a moment and look at the situation that we are in, look at where we are going, and then see if we have the insight to choose the right path to follow through this murky swamp that we find our self in.

We can all see that two of the three major crises that we face pertain to our freedom and our security. The other one pertains to our pocket book. But we must remember that without freedom and security we have no pocket book or at least nothing is in that pocket book. We must keep in mind what we are facing, but we must also realize that whomeever we vote for is not going to agree with everything that we believe in, or that they agree witht he path that we feel is the right path to take.

So let’s take a look at the three major crises that are facing us, and facing the whole world today. They are 1) terrorists, 2) the world financial melt down, and 3) the Russian Bear.

Firs the terrorist threat. Where was it in years past, what has been done to lessen the threat, and where it is today? In 1993 they bombed the World Trade Center in New York, then in 1998 the U.S. Embassy in East Africa, followed by the USS Cole bombing in 2000, and finally 9/11 — the planes crashing into the towers in New York City. And those acts of terrorism were only in, and against, U.S.A. targets. There were, as we all know, many other attacks: Spain, England, India, Indonesia and the Philippines to name a few.

So what has been done to hinder the terrorists here at home? Our government has been able to prevent another 9/11 by having an experienced hand on the tiller. One that could make quick decisions based on the past experience and knowledge. A few of the tactics that were used by our leader was arranging with the world wide banking community to trace the money, and also stop the wiring of funds to and from terrorist organizations. Another device used was the tapping of phones and e-mails of known, or supsected terrorists, so as to hear or read about their plans.

Yes experience, knowledge, and judgement are all needed in our next president to continue the vigilance that will keep us safe. And John McCain has all three of those qualities. He is the one with a proven record that we can count on.

The second crisis today is the global financial melt down. It too is a world wide crisis and this past weekend there was a meeting in Washington of the financial ministers of the G-7 nations, putting their heads together to come up with solutions. Leadership, and the decision to bring these financial men together, was needed and was exercised. One strong point should be emphasized at this point. It is common knowledge that during the depression, back in the early 1930s, the government raised taxes. This caused the depression to last much longer than it would, or should have. Years later when John Kennedy was president he fought for lowering taxes and he convinced Congress to do so. Guess what? Income to the government increased. Now keep in mind when you go to vote that John McCain will not raise taxes. And John McCain will also work diligently to cut government spending.

We all know that this financial meltdown started because of sub-prime mortgage loans that were sold to banks around the world by Fanny May and Freddie Mac. Maybe now would be a good time for a brief explanation on how this financial crisis got started. The beginning was some years ago when President Carter got legislation passed to encourage banks to write mortgages for people that were less credit worthy. The compassionate attitude was that everyone in America should experience the American dream of owning their own home. This reduction in lending standards was then furhter expanded during the Clinton presidency. Fanny May and Freddie Mac purchased these sub-prime loans. And then, to exasperate the problem to its zenith, a group in Chicago, Ill. obtained an education grant from a foundation that was created by a wealthy individual. That group received millions of dollars for education, however the money did not go to the schools, but rather it was used to educate people about the evils of capitalism, in their own classrooms. That group, with their newly educated students, then proceeded to picket, and demonstrate, at banks that would not lend mortgage money to people that they thought should get mortgages. The individuals that the banks had declined. They even picketed and demonstrated at the homes of the presidents of those banks.

The banks capitulated, even though the borrowers did not meet what were already considered lax requirements. And Fanny May and Freddie Mac purchased these loans also. That is what started the land slide of very loose lending practices and eventually ended with the financial mlet down that we are in today. You can be sure that John McCain will see that there is oversight on the practices of Fanny May and Freddie Mac so this doesn’t happen again.

Now, for the third large crisis facing our nation, and the world today. A very difficult one that our next president must deal with is the Russian Bear and Communism. It is just starting to grow and it is state sponsored terrorism as opposed to the scattered jihadist cells around the world. I guess we can call it the next phase of terrorism. Look at what Russian hs be up to during the past number of month such as their invasion of Georgia, their agreements with, and/or their sale of weapons to Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Syria, Lebanon, and countries in Africa. Their action invokes memories of the Cold War. And that is scary! It is scary because state sponsored terrorism is capable of transforming small, mostly ineffective groups into a serious threat. These new terrorists then have access to highly sophisticated munitions capable of much greater destruction than the dynamite vests they put on children. and, on top of that, they then have the use of diplomatic pouches, and that is really scary. Think about it, terrorists with diplomatic pouches that can be carried inot countries without inspectiions.

Now, who do you want leading our country? Again, we are all worried about our pocket book, but without freedom it will be an empty pocket book. We all know, and most of us agree, that it is John McCain that has the knowledge and experience to fight terrorism, being it either groups of jihadist or state sponsored terrorists. Keep in mind when you enter that voting booth that without freedom there is no financial well being.

Fred Carl
