Thursday, March 06, 2025

Vote Gail Gutsche

| October 29, 2008 12:00 AM

Dear Editor,

There is an important but little known political race that voters will see on the ballot Nov. 4. Gail Gutsche and Doug Mood are running for the Public Service Commission, the body that regulates utilities in Montana (ie, our electricity bills).

Gail Gutsche is a well known consumer advocate and former four-term state representative. Doug Mood is also a former office holder who, as a state representative in 1997, voted for electricity deregulation.

It seems that it might be a good idea to have a consumer advocate in this position. Clearly Gail Gutsche is the superior candidate who will support reasonable utility rates and Montana based jobs and will look out for the consumer, not the big multinational corporations that might be sending you a higher electricity bill in the future.


Dan Ward

Thompson Falls