Thursday, March 13, 2025

Obama brings change

| September 24, 2008 12:00 AM

It’s time for change. Time for a president who’ll get the nation’s economy fixed. Time to abandon the past eight years of the rich get rich and the poor get poorer. The economy has gone down the tubes for eight years. Enough is enough!

McCain sees nothing wrong. This week he said, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” He ignores the majority of Americans, whereas Obama knows the disaster it’s been for everyone but the rich for eight years.

McCain has been in Washington for twenty-six years and hasn’t lifted a finger to reform regulations that could have prevented this crisis. We don’t need four more years of the same old thing. We don’t need a President who will see that the rich get richer. We don’t need a president who believes that giving tax breaks to the rich will cause a trickle down effect to benefit all. That trickle down idea is a drippy concept. It’s an arid waste for the middle class and the poor but a flood of wealth for the rich.

Obama wants tax relief for the middle and poor classes who are the ones that need it most.

Obama wants to create new jobs through investing in the national infrastructure. Our national infrastructure is deteriorating. It can be seen in two governmental departments which have an enormous influence on Montana — Agriculture and Interior. They’ve been hemorrhaging for eight years. In the surrounding counties they need hundreds of millions of dollars to repair their present infrastructures, and that repair will create jobs.

Obama brings the promise of hope and change to Americans, not four more years of the same old thing.

Ernest Scherzer

Trout Creek