Saturday, February 22, 2025

Solving financial woes will take creativity

| September 24, 2008 12:00 AM

Ernie Scherzer, we are in trouble!

As per your letter to the editor Sept. 10 I was wondering if you had been listening to the county commissioners that come January of 2009 this county is headed for some financial issues that are not looking so bright.

Ernie, let’s not overlook the fact that the money from timber royalties has disappeared which has been a large part of our county budget. Let’s not overlook the fact that our unemployment rate has gone up and that we have lost 100 jobs throughout our rural community.

Let’s not overlook the fact that our roads still need to be fixed. Our schools need to be funded on which 44 percent of our property taxes are expended.

I did not campaign at the Plains fair, although I did mention the possibility to a fellow Democrat, about a tram or scenic vista area that could possibly be built on one of our beautiful scenic Montana peaks such as Star (Squaw) Peak, that would allow everyone, not just able-bodied hikers to enjoy unparalleled views. This was a discussion on possibilities that could utilize our National Forest and bring back some of the revenues lost by our timber dollars which we all relied upon.

As commissioner candidates we are asked what industry or economic ideas we could bring to the table and my eyes are open to any ideas that may bring about prosperity for this unique beautiful rural area. I hope that any shortfalls we now face would not fall on the already tax burdened citizens of this county. I would invite and greatly appreciate public opinion and ideas small or large in this endeavor. Let’s not overlook the fact that we are all in this together.

Sanders County needs a commissioner who will be ready and willing to take this county through good times and bad times. One with some initiative to solve issues with new and old ideas combined.

Cindy Iversen
