Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Support hunting and fishing

| September 24, 2008 12:00 AM

I hunt, I fish, I vote.

This is a bumper sticker seen around Montana lately. It is a reminder to those running for office how important hunting and fishing is to the Montana Public. We have the highest number/per capita of resident hunters and anglers in the country. Fish Wildlife and Parks report more than 1 billion dollars generated by hunting and fishing.

Today one of the biggest issues facing local sportsman is loss of access. Due to an increase in subdivisions and selling of Plum Creek grounds, many areas we once took for granted have now been closed.

One freedom we still enjoy is the access to our free-flowing streams and rivers. As long as we respect private property and stay below the high water mark, we have the right to fish, hunt or float our waterways. This is a right upheld by the Montana State Supreme County.

Unfortunately many access points have become far and few in between. Last year there was a bill to help clarify the issue of access off of public bridges. It was an important bill but unfortunately died along party lines. It will be brought up again. Encourage your local representatives to do what’s right for Montana’s hunters and fishermen.

A special thanks to Jim Elliott, who supported this bill and has always shown his support for Montana’s Sportsmen.

Tim Brooker,
