Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Penny saving gifts, because it's really the thought that counts

| December 2, 2009 12:00 AM

Danielle Switalski

I have been trying to deny the inescapable fact that the holidays are indeed here.  I have been trying to avoid the reality of the holidays primarily because I have yet to start making gifts for people.  I say ‘making gifts’ because I think construction paper and glitter is all I will be able to afford.  Unfortunately I am getting too old to get away with giving away hugs for Christmas presents, but fortunately a person is never too old to make things for people, especially my world famous glitter cards.

This is definitely going to be one of those years where I repeatedly bust out the good ol’ “it’s really the thought that counts.”  I know I’m not the only one, as most people have been pinching pennies and tightening their belts for the past year or so.

I have to admit, the Christmas Light Ceremony on Sunday really threw my head first into this holiday spirit thing.  Thankfully, the fireworks booming overhead snapped me out of my Christmas coma and stopped me from starting my own personal caroling contest by singing a compilation of “Rockin around the Christmas tree,” and Mariah Carey’s instant classic “All I want for Christmas is you.”  It seems every year these two particular songs mash-up into my head to form a new song that repeats “All I want for Christmas is to rock around the Christmas tree.”

Anyways, I have spent some time painstakingly coming up with cheap Christmas gift ideas for those of you out there who, like me, are pinching their pennies and trying to get creative.

Obviously, hand made cards are always an option.  But, use caution, because after making too many cards, the personal sayings to everyone (and note personally sayings are important, it can’t just sound like a standard Hallmark) can get kind of stressful.  Hand made cards are good if you have a small family.

Make a mixed CD using songs that start with every letter of his or her name and describe them in some way.  For example for Danielle, the first song could be “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey, followed by “All that Jazz,” from the Chicago soundtrack for the letter A and so on.  This is really easy because you can just list your song titles alphabetically on ITunes and pick from that selection, and then you don’t have to spend money buying new songs.  Inexpensive and thoughtful.

This idea requires a little cash. First, buy a calendar of your choosing.  Next make a list of funny times, memories or jokes you and that person have shared and write them on specific dates on the calendar.  If you don’t know dates, just make them up.  Reading the calendar throughout the year will be fun enough.  This will be a gift that keeps on giving.

If you have inexpensive gift ideas you would like to share e-mail