Sunday, February 23, 2025

From the fire hall…

| December 24, 2009 12:00 AM

I would like to take this time to provide the Town of Plains with a report of the past years activity of the Plains Volunteer Fire Department. During 2009 we have been successful in maintaining our membership, upgrading and/or replacing outdated equipment, restructuring our primary mission, completing two successful fund raising events, initiating plans for a new fire hall and training our members to basic as well as advanced qualifications; all the while providing fire protection and emergency service to the community.

Our Department has added a few new faces this year, replacing those who have moved on to other communities or priorities, and we currently list 18 active members. As with any volunteer organization, maintaining our membership is critical. If you are interested in joining our department, or just want to see who we are and what we do, please stop by the fire hall and visit with us at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd or 4th Thursday of each month. We are also available via e-mail at or by telephone at 826-3543.

We have continued to upgrade our equipment during this year. The preventive maintenance program we have instituted is allowing us to maximize the service life of our vehicles and equipment used by our firefighters has been tested, cleaned, repaired, and/or replaced as required. We continue to upgrade our complement of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and personal protective equipment (PPE). Grant applications are pending to fund the completion of these upgrades.

A change in our mutual aid agreement with the Plains/Paradise Rural Fire Department (PPRFD) concerning operation of the rescue/extrication vehicle supporting the Plains Community Ambulance has taken place. The rescue service is now operated and staffed by the PPRFD. The focus of the Town of Plains Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) now centers on fire suppression and other emergency services within the town, including assistance with vegetation and debris burning. We will continue to provide mutual aid to the PPRFD and other departments on fire and other emergency incidents as requested. Our training priorities, number of responses, and equipment needs have been altered by the agreement change and we are making the necessary adjustments. The modified ambulance we were using to transport extrication equipment and personnel has been replaced by a late model crew cab vehicle that more effectively serves our current operation. The surplus ambulance has been donated to the Fort Shaw Fire and Rescue Department and it continues to serve as an emergency vehicle in that community.

Our fundraising events during the year were very successful and we sincerely thank the community for its support. The raffle and auction at the Fireman’s Ball allowed us to purchase and equip a late model wildland engine, replacing an aging unit that had become quite unreliable. Proceeds from our 50/50 raffle at the Sanders County Fair are being used to upgrade PPE used by our firefighters. In August of this year we were the recipient of a $ 1500.00 Community Service Grant from Wal-Mart and we have utilized this award to replace worn and/or outdated items in our members PPE. We will continue fund raising efforts in the community and plan to again host what is becoming an annual Fireman’s Ball in the spring of 2010. Our efforts at fair time will continue as well.

In the spring of 2009 the department worked with an engineering firm to begin plans for a new fire hall. A location has been proposed, preliminary plans from the architect have been received, and an application for a federal stimulus grant has been made to fund the construction. At this time we are in a holding pattern on this project, but the first steps have been taken.

Our training program has continued to provide effective educational programs to our members. Over the past twelve months our active members have completed 694 hours of training. Ten members have met or exceeded the required 30 hours for the second consecutive year, two members completed the 30 hour requirement for the first time, and six members are currently in the process of completing the required training hours. The MSU Fire Service Training School has provided specialized training to our department in fire suppression tactics and safety. Montana Rail Link provided training in railcar operations and procedures surrounding derailments and other spill situations. Our department officers have completed a National Fire Academy (NFA) course in Incident Management and are scheduled to participate in a NFA Situational Management workshop this coming February. Twelve department members completed a NFA course in Hazardous Materials Awareness and four received Basic Wildland Firefighter qualification from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC). Five department members hold advanced wildland qualification associated with positions held with the United States Forest Service and DNRC. The DNRC also provided two PVFD members with training in helicopter operations. The Montana Municipal Insurance Association has provided defensive driving training for seventeen members of our department. In 2010 we will continue to provide training internally as well as utilizing courses provided from federal, state, and private sources.

Of course, the ultimate objective of our department is providing service to the community. Over the past year we have responded to 54 requests for assistance. Our emergence incidents include 5 structure fires, 5 chimney fires, 6 grass/brush fires, 1 utility hazard, 2 residential safety issues, 2 public safety concerns, 2 debris burn assists, 6 false alarms, and 6 miscellaneous other requests. Prior to the change in responsibility of providing rescue service, we responded to 19 motor vehicle incidents in support of the Plains Community Ambulance.

While it has been a busy year for the Plains Volunteer Fire Department, we have more work to do and much more to accomplish. Additional upgrades to and maintenance of our equipment, improving or replacing our fire hall, and continuing our training program will dominate our activity into the future. Grant application, fund raising activities, and recruitment of new members will continue, as will our response to emergency needs of the Town of Plains. I sincerely emphasize that it is the goal of every member of this department to provide safe and efficient emergency service to our community. That is why we volunteer……..

Larry Ballantyne; Chief

Plains Volunteer Fire Department