Monday, March 03, 2025

Regarding Lark Cadwick's letter to the editor, Dec. 16, 2009

| December 24, 2009 12:00 AM

I too, Mr. Chadwick, have been by the Sanders County Fairgrounds, and what I’ve witnessed is a spectacular light display.

The manager, caretaker and wife, of the fairgrounds have spent countless, selfless hours creating this beautiful holiday scene for all to enjoy. Who are you, Mr. Chadwick, to condemn them for their hard work because of a misplaced star and how can you call a mistake Blaspheme. I’m sure it was not intended.

If this misplacement offends you so much, why don’t you cough up the $200.00, yourself, to correct it, or you could always just stay home and stop trying to spoil this for those of us who appreciate and enjoy it.

Dave Harvey
