Friday, March 14, 2025

Delays likely for Fishtrap area

| August 4, 2010 11:38 AM

It may be a little more difficult reaching your favorite camping and/or fishing spot on the north end of the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District these next few months but, in the end, the delays should prove to be well worth the wait.

It may be a little more difficult reaching your favorite camping and/or fishing spot on the north end of the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District these next few months but, in the end, the delays should prove to be well worth the wait.

Transportation system improvement projects in the Fishtrap Creek and Thompson River areas could impact forest users this summer and fall and District Raanger Randy Hojem wants the public to know what those activities are, specifically when they are planned and how long they will take to complete.

The improvement projects include road reconstruction, gravel crushing, culvert replacements, bridge repairs and installations, road reconditioning and road decommissioning.

Hojem does not want people to be caught by surprise by the oncoming flurry of projects, some of which will require the closure of roads for anywhere from several days up to a few weeks in the popular recreation area.

"While much of this work has been on our list of things to get done, we had no idea that it would all come together at once the way it has," he said. "For people that are working or recreating in the Fishtrap area, please be aware of the activities going on and be patient and courteous with each other."

The transportation improvement projects could affect travel to and from several of the district's most popular recreation hotspots including Fishtrap Lake, the West Fork of Fishtrap Creek (which includes access to trails to Stony and Terrace Lakes) and several other hiking destinations. Some of the activities will require only delays in traffic while others, such as the culvert and bridge work, could result in the closure of affected roads until the work can be completed.

Although the bulk of these improvement projects are set to begin in the next few weeks and are expected to be largely completed by Sept. 1, other activities which could affect travel as long as into November will also be occurring.

The need for the road repairs and the decommissioning of roads determined to be excess to management needs in the area became apparent during the Forest Service's recent analysis of the area for a possible management project. That analysis led to a combination of proposed activities in what is now called the Fishtrap Stewardship project, including the repair/replacement of bridges and culverts, and the improvement of the existing road system.

"Much of the work was identified through the planning for the Fishtrap EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) and it is being accomplished through a variety of sources," Hojem said. "Access to the area is going to be restricted or interrupted for several weeks to some very popular spots, but the long term benefit is well worth the short term disruption."

The transportation system work has actually already begun on several portions of this year's improvement project, and several local contractors are doing much of the ground moving.

Wulfekuhle Contracting and Traver Services of Thompson Falls have been working on the reconditioning of Fishtrap Creek road (No. 516) the past few months in advance of gravel haul for the resurfacing of that road.

This road will remain open to travel once resurfacing begins, but heavy truck haul and some delays could be expected.

Leufkens Construction Company of Thompson Falls has been busy working in the West Fork of Fishtrap drainage on Forest Road Nos. 7609 (the main West Fork of Fishtrap), 7675 (Stony Lake) and 7691 (Shale Creek) this summer, while Woods Crushing and Hauling Company has been crushing material for the Fishtrap Gravel Crushing and Placement operation since June 14.

Heavy truck haul to a gravel pit on FR No. 7688 (an arterial to road No. 7609) has been ongoing since June 14 and will continue until Aug. 1 when crushing and stockpiling of materials is complete.

Hauling of the stockpiled material will begin on July 26 with concurrent operations to the West Fork roads listed above, and to FR No. 516, the main Fishtrap Creek road.

Road Nos. 7609 and 7675 will be closed for up to two weeks while resurfacing operations are completed.

Three separate bridge projects will require temporary closure of roads.

Tentatively scheduled to begin Aug. 9, repair work on the West Fork of Thompson River bridge will close Forest Road No. 56, the main arterial along the west side of Thompson River, for a minimum of 10 days.

During this same time frame, an undersized culvert on FR No. 56 at the crossing with Deerhorn Creek will be replaced with a bridge, also requiring at least 10 days of work to complete.

Similarly, another undersized culvert three miles up the West Fork of Fishtrap Creek road (No. 7609) will be removed and a bridge installed, also requiring a minimum closure time of 10 days.

Two other undersized culverts, one on the Mantrap Creek road (No. 7555) and the other on Radio Creek (No. 7569), will be replaced with more adequately sized culverts. These operations will each require one week road closures.

Additionally, excess receipts from the Game Range Stewardship project is covering the cost of road reconstruction on the main Fishtrap road (No. 516) from mileposts 10 through 16, Mantrap Road (No. 7562) and Fishtrap Lake road (No. 7592) above the 2 mile marker just past the Fishtrap Lake campground.

Several other roads in the Fishtrap area are to be decommissioned this year, but those activities should not affect travel on normally open roads.

Questions regarding the current or future status of transportation system work in the described areas should be directed to the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District at 826-3821. Walk in visits at the office in Plains at 408 Clayton Avenue are also welcome.