Wednesday, February 12, 2025

More water rate talks

by Danielle Switalski
| August 19, 2010 11:41 AM

In an attempt to equalize Plains water and sewer rates throughout

the town, the water/waste water committee is set to hold a public

meeting August 24 at 6:00 p.m. 

The meeting will discuss equalizing water meters throughout town,

meaning that residences with multiple units should each be paying

the base rate for water and sewer hookup each month.  

The town council and water committee has been discussing different

ways to equalize the water meters for the past few months.  At the

upcoming meeting, they are set to discuss electricity meters,

meaning any residence, building or apartment complex that is hooked

up to an individual electricity meter should be paying individual

base rates for water and sewer hookup.

“It's not a price increase we are just trying to make it equitable

so everyone is paying the same rate,” said Carl Reeb, town council

member and water committee chairman.

As the town expanded many residences with multiple units were not

metered properly and for example, and apartment complex with four

units is only paying a single base rate for water and sewer

hookup.  If this change gets passed by the city council after the

public meeting on August 24, those four apartment units that are

hooked up to individual electric meters the landlord would have to

pay four base rates instead of one.  

“If they have an electricity meter, they have an apartment and they

have a residence, so they should be paying for water and sewer it's

equal,” said Reeb.  

Reeb said they are still in initial discussions and are open to

take public comment on the issue to decide the best route in making

the water and sewer rates equitable throughout the town. 

If a decision is made at the next meeting to follow through with

the electricity meter plan, the water committee will write an

ordinance and read it to the Plains city council.  The city council

will then vote on the ordinance at the next city council meeting on

September 6.