Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Food bank looks to new location in the new year

by Rose Duncan
| December 17, 2010 3:29 PM

January 2011 will see the Mineral County Food Bank in a new location to better aid the growing need in the community. The food bank has been feeding those in need since 1976. The Mineral County Food Bank is a non- profit and its board is comprised of un- paid volunteers: Mary Mc Clammy food bank manager has made the food bank the largest part of her life and donates hundreds of hours yearly to make the food bank the successful resource that it has become. Marlene Adair, food bank president and Mary’s right hand assistant is the glue that holds the day to day running of the food bank together and running smoothly. Lorna Sharkey, vice president, is the go to girl. Her research and computer skills have landed several grants for the food bank. Those skills have brought the food bank back from the brink and kept the doors of the food bank open. Lonna Hayes, Treasurer, keeps a close eye on the monetary needs of the food bank and worries about the bottom line. Lonna is the food bank’s inspiration in times of need. Rose Duncan, secretary and fund raising coordinator keeps track of records past and present and has been active in searching for new quarters for the food bank for several years. Barbara Johnson, new to the food bank volunteers has been a valuable asset and has taken on the role of construction coordinator for the new building. Robert Lyons is the idea guy, food bank muse and puts the “fun” into fund raising. Patty Woodland is the busiest bee in the food bank on distribution day. Her fellow workers know to keep out of her way because no one else can keep up. Last but not least are the on call volunteers who work regularly every Friday and the volunteers who help unload the delivery trucks; are invaluable to the running of the food bank. These dedicated volunteers have made the expansion of the Mineral County Food bank possible.

December 18 th, and 19 th , 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; the saws, hammers and good cheer will ring out at 308 Pine in Superior, the site of the new Mineral County Food Bank. The building permit has been issued, and materials delivered. A wall needs to be framed in for the electrician, insulating and sheet rock put up, holes repaired, shelves built and painting done. Once the building is ready, all of the canned goods, frozen food, freezers and equipment must be relocated to the new site.

The holidays although wonderful and exciting, are causing a time management problem for the scheduled opening day of Jan. 7th. Christmas and New Years falling on weekend days this year is going to mean stolen work hours during the week for the skilled volunteer elves after this initial weekend if the project is to be completed on time. Anyone wanting to assist in this project that aids all of Mineral County is asked to contact Rose Duncan at 822-2551, Barbara Johnson at 239-5943 or Lorna Sharkey at 822-4713. Lunch will be served to the construction volunteers on Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th. Bring your tools and your holiday spirit because this good deed is worth the effort and will go on giving for years to come.