Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Alberton wrestles take on two tournaments

by Summer Crosby
| December 22, 2010 3:26 PM

Two Alberton wrestlers headed out to two different tournaments on Saturday. Roy Schutter went over to the Eureka Tournament on Saturday and Cody Ishler headed to the Holiday Classic in Great Falls.

Coach Bob Henderson said that Roy Schutter went to Eureka with the team’s assistant coach and wrestled for the championship at 112 pounds.

“He’s been wrestling consistently well,” Henderson said.

Henderson took Ishler and four other wrestlers down to the Classic on Thursday. Henderson said that Ishler wrestled very well on the first day, Friday, and was right “on the money.”

“He found himself in the semifinals on Saturday,” Henderson said. “And he wrestled well for all but 30 seconds of two matches.”

Ishler was winning his match and would have put himself into a position to vie for third or fourth place, but he ended up getting pinned.

“He had beaten this kid and was beating him profusely, but you can’t let your guard down,” Henderson said. “He knows he was right there with everyone, but stuff happens.”

Henderson said that he knows Ishler will rebound.

“It’s good that you get that stuff out of system and not have it happen at state,” Henderson said.

 He said that the Classic was “ginormous” with 40 high schools attending. Up next, the Frenchtown Broncs will wrestle with Missoula Big Sky on Tuesday.

“Our team’s down a little,” Henderson said. “We’re all catching the flu bug so I’m missing three on the varsity squad so we’ll see what happens.”