Monday, March 03, 2025

Plains rural fire department receives grant

by Danielle Switalski
| February 17, 2010 12:00 AM

The Plains-Paradise Rural Fire Department was recently awarded the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) totaling $86,916.

Lee Mercier, assistant to the fire chief, applied for the grant back in May.  The grant money is mainly going towards the purchasing of new equipment for the firefighters as most of their current equipment is old and outdated. 

“This is going to help us be more prepared, and it’s more of a safety feature for the firefighters, it gives them a safer sense of mind, per say,” said Mercier.

Mercier said the fire department is going to purchase eight sets of bunker gear, eight new self contained breathing apparatus’s (SCBA), which are used during harmful atmospheric conditions and 15 complete sets of wild land gear, which includes a plethora of gear such as new back packs and hydration systems.  The SCBA’s are a new style of fire retardant cotton, which is safer for the firefighters than the style of gear they had previously used. 

“It (new gear) will help us have more teams on the ground ready to go into a structured fire or wild lands.  Plus, we’re trying to recruit now and we’re needing volunteers so this will help put some fresh gear on the new recruits,” said Mercier.

Mercier said the fire department is looking to expand their district and they are looking for volunteers to cover the River Road West area in Plains.  They are currently on the search for funds in order to build a new fire substation on River Road West as they have already purchased the property and will begin to put in a septic and well system at the station site this spring.  Mercier said he has applied for another grant for funds to build the actual station, but is hopeful there will be other funding opportunities should they not receive this particular grant.

Last year, the fire department received yet another grant, which allows them to send 11 firefighters to school in Great Falls.  Mercier said they are on the search for new recruits and he would like to get them started as soon as possible in order to send them out to the training before fire season is in full swing. 

If anyone is interested in learning more about potential job opportunities, the rural fire department holds meetings every second and fourth Thursday of every month at the fire hall located on Airport Road West at 7:00 p.m.