Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Art on the Walls changing quarters

| January 6, 2010 12:00 AM

Art-on-the-Walls winter quarterly show will feature art students from elementary and high schools in Paradise, Plains and Thompson Falls. The 2010 show will open at Clark Fork Valley Hospital on January 18.

Until then the walls of the main corridor of Clark Fork Valley Hospital will remain blank for the first time in almost four years. Art-on-the-Walls was established in 2007 as a cooperative venture of your Sanders County Arts Council and Clark Fork Valley Hospital community service to showcase the work of the talented people of Sanders County, young and old. It has proved to be that and more; not only decorating the hospital walls, but lifting the spirits of all those who view the art.

During this interim period those well-used walls will receive tender loving care from the maintenance personnel of CFVH; a well -deserved and much needed recuperation under the leadership of Barry Fowler, Director of systems resources and Dennis Bursell, Maintenance department manager.

The student show will open on Monday, January 18. Everyone is invited to attend the reception on Tuesday, January 19 to meet the young artists and to enjoy their works. Please plan to join your family, friends and neighbors at this community reception for our young artists.