Friday, March 14, 2025

Senior News

| January 6, 2010 12:00 AM

Plains-Paradise Senior Citizens

As New Years Day fell on Friday, Edna Rice, the center’s chief cook, decided to serve breakfast at noon rather than the usual dinner at 5:30 P.M. This turned out to be very successful.

The year ended with a big surprise for the center when Craig Weirather, with the Cattlemen’s Association, informed the center they would receive an entire beef. The beef was butchered and wrapped. A huge “Thank You” goes to all associated with the organization.

All members haveing birthday’s in December were eligible for a drawing held Wed. December 30th. The lucky winner was Maurice Helterline.

Meals next week are as follows:

Wednesday Jan. 13th (Noon) Pork Roast/mashed potatoes & coconut crunch

Friday Jan. 15th (5:30) Stuffed Peppers/sweet potato salad & chocolate cake.

Fresh homemade rolls/bread, vegetables/salad & fruit are also served with each meal.

Thompson Falls Senior News

The winners at pinochle for the last games of 2009 were Isabel Welch (2), Norm Knudson, Sharon Cork, Joe Davis, and Cal Pomrenke. Remember games begin at 1:30 P. M. for the next few months. If you are a card player that is a good way to spend a few hours on a Sunday afternoon, and you don’t need a partner.

Upcoming meals are: Thursday dinner, January 7th, 5 P.M., spaghetti and meatballs, French bread, vegetables, salad, fruit, and dessert; and Tuesday noon, January 12th, chicken pot pie with biscuit topping, fruit and dessert. If you haven’t eaten at our center, you should.

Dixon Senior Center News

Start planning for our Dixon Seniors’ Treasure Hunt Bazaar on Saturday, January 30. Reserve a table to load with your treasures, only $10, by contacting Delene Tufly at 246-3271, or Sharon Cole at 370-8662. You have plenty of time to find or prepare some crafts, artwork, baked goods, bead work, home canned food, antiques, rummage…anything unusual or collectible which may be someone’s delight! This is a satisfying way to start off the year with down-sizing some of our extras. We will open at ten a.m., and lunch will be available. Mark your calendar to come and shop or sell!

At the last pinochle session Todd Mayhre had high score and low was Kay Solomon. Lyle Hilfigure had the most double pinochles. The door prize was won by Doris Smith.

You may be reading this in time to come on over for lunch on Thursday, January 7, for the first Indian Tacos of 2010! If you miss this, come for dinner at 5 p.m. on Monday, January 11, for Biscuits and gravy. Thursday, January 14 we will have Bar-B-Qed ribs for lunch. Meals are still only $4 and all ages are welcome. Take out is available.

Dixon is a little dimmer lately, with the passing of long-time resident, Franklin Kendall. He was always so good-natured and glad to see his friends at the center. He will be missed.