Friday, March 14, 2025

Sheriff's Report Jan. 3-10

| January 13, 2010 12:00 AM


9:19 AM Report of a transport to St. Pats hospital.

1:16 PM Report of a juvenile runaway from the Monarch School. He was last seen walking on county road at the end of Aspen Lane at 11:45 am. They were advised that the juvenile has been standing on the corner next to the campus since the report was made, he was never out of sight.

5:22 PM Arrest(s) made, domestic abuse (Partner/family assault, Non-A). Report that husband is going ballistic, yelling at her and the kids.


12:53 AM Report of a dark colored truck speeding up and down Church/Haley Street.

5:32 AM Report of a 23 year old female has found a worm in her bowel movement. She went to the hospital in the afternoon due to being constipated. The Dr. gave her laxatives to help and when she did there was a worm in it.

3:01 PM Report of someone opening his mail while it was in his rural box. It occurred on approximately December 21st. They contacted the Post Office and they advised that the mail was already in his mailbox so it was no longer the Post Offices responsibility.

5:21 PM Report that someone is attempting to pick up prescription with forgery note. He left the prescription and asked what time Doug’s closes and then walked outside.


8:36 AM Report of a 11 year old male, who fell on the sidewalk. He did lose conscious, some type of convulsion at the time.

6:45 PM Report that his vehicle was stuck in the ditch at MM 22 on Hwy 200 last night. When he just pulled it out today the back right window was broken out, possible shot out, the driver side window is broken possible by a snowball and there is a bullet lodged in the roof of the vehicle.

7:43 PM Report that she keeps receiving harassing phone calls from her ex-husband.


8:29 AM Report that there is a dog at the Thompson Falls Elementary School again and he is aggressive with some of the children.

4:29 PM Request for ambulance for an 82 year old female who is very lethargic.

4:55 PM Report of a white Chevy Pickup has been speeding up and down Blue Slide Road, the vehicle has been by their house several times this day.

6:35 PM Report of blue Dodge Pickup all over the road and driving between 40-50 MPH. The truck was headed west bound towards Dixon.


4:36 AM Report of a male dresses in a snow suit wearing a blue beanie and black gloves trying to hitch a ride to Thompson Falls, he is concerned about the safety of the guy in the cold weather.

12:08 PM Request for contact with an officer. She believes that someone has been trying to break into her residence. They just moved in approximately 4 weeks ago and today is the 3rd time this week that it appears that someone is trying to open up the back door with a crowbar, or something. They can see pry marks.

1:10 PM Request for an ambulance for an 81 year old female who fell and has head pain and left hip pain.


9:31 AM Request for an welfare check on Willis Street.

3:15 PM Dog registration, Clay and 3rd.

11:35 PM Report of a intoxicated male walking on the Highway.