Thursday, March 06, 2025

Square dancing, cheap and fun entertainment

| January 13, 2010 12:00 AM

Danielle Switalski

Darlene Jolly and her late husband Ron had hopes to bring the dancing bug with them when they left Washington and moved to Plains and that is exactly what happened at First Security Bank on Friday night.

The Montana Mavericks, a club started in 2004 by the Jollys and another couple who recently moved away from Plains, main goal is to get people involved with dancing by offering lessons in both the fall and spring. In the fall, the club offers round dancing classes and in the winter square dancing to anyone interested in learning something new. Friday night’s class lasted about three hours and taught the basics of square dancing even the most uncoordinated person could master.

“I’ll dance anything. I grew up here and I learned to dance when I was young and went to dances with my folks and my grandpa,” said Jolly. “It is cool. It’s a good, clean fun entertainment.”

There were around 20 people who showed up to learn the ins and outs of square dancing. New to this lesson was Laurie Lane who acted as a courier, meaning she led the dance class by calling out the steps through a microphone headset. During typical lessons for round and square dancing, the Montana Mavericks bring in a caller to host the lesson, however, the caller was not available for the lesson.

Although Jolly said the majority of participants were dancers, there were a few eager students who had never square danced before, including Kathleen Lane, who came in full square-dancing attire, enthusiastically ready to hit the dance floor.

The dance lessons started with easy steps, teaching everyone the proper way to hold their partner and promenade in a circle. Once everyone got the hang of the basic steps, the groups split off into two groups of eight, with a few people sitting out waiting for their turn to join a group. It only took two or three practice runs for the dancers to get the hang of the steps and look like professional square dancers.

“She’ll (Laurie Lane) start with the very basics, it will go three hours, hour and a half of mainstream square dance lessons and then do what everyone wants to do,” said Jolly.

The next square dance lesson will be held at First Security Bank Friday, Jan. 15 at 7:00 p.m. Jolly said people wanting to come to the square dance lessons do not have to worry about wearing formal attire as it is simply beginner lessons and Jolly wants everyone to feel comfortable. However, if people continue on with square dancing the proper attire for a dance is a dress or skirt and blouse for women and a long sleeve shirt and long pants for men.

Jolly added there are snacks available for the dancers, however, does not want anyone drinking alcoholic beverages before coming to the lesson.

“We don’t care if people have a drink after they are done dancing, but we don’t want them to drink before because when you get in a square and if you’re impaired you have messed up seven other people,” said Jolly.

Jolly started the first dance lessons back in 2003 and formed the Montana Mavericks shortly thereafter in 2004 as a way to keep movement and dance in her and her husband’s lives.

“My husband said when we started that if we can get this club to four squares, they’ll do pretty good and here we are with four squares,” said Jolly, pleased with the success of the evening’s lessons.

Comments or questions on this story can be directed to Reporter Danielle Switalski by emailing her at or by calling her at 822-3883.