Student Art Show ready for unveiling
After two weeks of patching and painting, the walls of the main entrance corridor of Clark Fork Valley Hospital are ready for hanging the First Quarter, 2010 Student Art Show.
The hanging team is more than ready to attack those freshly painted walls with hammer and hanger.
The student show, above all others, celebrates a freshness of vision, which when transformed into the magical world of the visual artist is pure delight and family fun.
On the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 19, a reception will be held in the hospital lobby allowing all who attend the opportunity to explore the show and meet the young artists.
Your presence will be much appreciated by all these talented young people, and everyone is urged to attend. The reception will start at 5 p.m. with a short welcome and introduction of the people behind the scenes who make this show possible.
There will be musical performances also from students, and refreshments will be served.
The reception will end at approximately 6:30 p.m.
The Student Art Show will run through January, Feb. and to the end of March, allowing everyone who plan visits with friends and family to enjoy the art, and to vote on the next “People’s Choice Award.” The name of the artist who won the last quarter “People’s Choice Award” will be announced at the reception.
For additional information call Arlene Littlefield at 1-217-251-1954, a local cell-phone number with no charge to the caller.