Tuesday, February 25, 2025

What would happen if we all had to conform

| January 27, 2010 12:00 AM


Each and every one of us are born with a mind of our own. Even the puppies we choose from a litter are different, right? What would happen if we ALL had to confrom? Ouch. I am so glad to see the steeples of a variety of churches in every neighborhood. Many of us think similarly, and join together for the worshiping in a chosen maner the acknowledgement of one God. That freedom comes from the unifying Constitution of our United States of America confirmating our freedom to worship, and to even go about working and living and educating and procreating, on and on in freedom. That is the very reason WHY every down trodden soul from all over the world has dreamed of coming to our free land to live free out from under the totalitarian deadly club of a dictator. Dictators, all, however they may smile to begile, or connive to confuse, have one goal: conform or die. We must preserve and teach this constitution of ours, so that our freedom to live, to be able to live free can continue down through our posterity for generations to come. Live free or die, was a Mantra of our early beginnings, as was: No taxation without representation. The right to live, which has been denied, forbidden and taken away in recent history: for instance in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, North Korea, and now the insidious encroachment on our own youth today, uninformed as to history and consequences from following like sheep, without thinking and evaluating. Bring your youth to your church to worship with love, don’t demand - - entice with fun, companionship, always instilling the right to think and live free without conformation and to learn from our own recorded history, and our constitution, the very reason we have been able to do so: to be able to continue living as a free people. And don’t forget, you, too, liked to wiggle and jiggle when you were a youngster,

Edna Mac Donald
