Friday, March 14, 2025

Students receive honor

by Summer Crosby
| June 9, 2010 11:46 AM

Four students from St. Regis were selected to be inducted into membership of the Jerald D. Alexander Chapter National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society. The ceremony was held in the school cafeteria on Wednesday, May 12 at the St. Regis School.

To be eligible for membership consideration, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 for National Honor Society (NHS) and 3.0 for National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). A council of faculty members selects students for membership who also meet high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. The four students inducted into National Honor Society were Heather Pruitt, Timothy Cranley II and Juliana Spencer. Andrew Managhan was the sole student inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.

Jacki Gorshe Almquist, the chapter advisor at St. Regis Schools, said that these four students all exemplified these characteristics and will be expected to continue to their contributions, to both the school and community.

"National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society members are chosen for their demonstrated high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. They are expected to continue their exemplary contributions to the school and community," said Almquist.

The characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since their beginnings in 1921 (NHS) and 1929 (NJHS).

The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society rank as one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students. Chapters exist in more than 60 percent of the nation's high schools and since their beginning millions of students have been selected for membership. Millions of dollars in scholarships have been awarded to senior members since 1945 by the sponsoring organization, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).

NASSP is an important educational organization representing more than 30,000 school leaders, including principals and assistant principals in middle level and high schools. Since 1916, NASSP has demonstrated its commitment to addressing national school quality and providing professional leadership to meet the changing needs of our world.