Friday, March 14, 2025

Summer reading programs planned for Alberton, Superior

by Summer Crosby
| June 9, 2010 11:44 AM

With summer weather directly in front of us and school no longer in session, it can be easy to forget about all the adventures that books have to offer. And while you're making a splash in the pool, the Mineral County Library would like to invite all the children of Mineral County to not only make a splash in the pool, but to "make a splash" in reading.

The theme of this year's summer reading program is titled, "Make a splash, read," and the library has activities planned for every Tuesday, beginning June 15 through July 27, starting at noon and lasting about an hour. Each day's session is scheduled to take place in Eva Horning Park and will feature fun learning activities and special guests will come and read to children.

On June 15, the topic for the day is "Wonder of Water, on June 22, "An Ocean of Fun," on June 29, "A High Seas Adventure," on July 6, "Splish Splash Summer," on July 13, "Squish, squash: Wetlands and Freshwaters," and on July 20, "Water Finale."

Then, on July 27, the library will host a picnic is the park, beginning at 3 p.m. and then a pool party will follow at four to wrap up the summer and the reading program.

Also during the summer, the library will be holding a book reading contest. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade will have a chance to win in weekly drawings, June 7 to June 27, and at the end whoever has the most points will receive fifty bucks. To be eligible for weekly drawing prizes, students read a book and then fill out a paper at the library with their name and contact information. Students will also answer questions like what did you enjoy about the book and what was this book about. Then every Friday, a drawing will be held at the library at 3 p.m., with the first scheduled for June 11.

As students read books throughout the summer, points will also be awarded. By reading a book that is picked by the library a student receives five points. For their own choice, a student receives two points and for a newspaper or magazine article a student receives one point. The library staff will keep track of the information throughout the summer and at the end, the two individuals, one from the kindergarten through third division and one from fourth through sixth grade division, with the highest amount of points will win fifty bucks.

Leslie Heppe, who sits on the Friends of the Library Council, said that both of the programs are "to get kids to read more during the summer." Gayle Lebar said that they want to encourage kids to read all summer long and that they shouldn't stop "just because they're not in school and not having to read for class." Guna Chaberek said that they are also seeking to encourage the "reluctant reader."

Lebar also stressed that even if a student can only come once they are welcome to join in. Any student from Mineral County is welcome to participate.

Similar programs will take place in Alberton in conjunction with summer school, according to Connie Acker, which is scheduled from 12 to 3 at the school. She said they will have similar contests based on the amount of time students read with prizes being awarded. The city library will have three special activities at 2 p.m., returning students to the school by 3 p.m. On June 17, they will have "Wonders of Water," on June 24, they will have "An Ocean of Fun," and on July 11, they will have "High Seas Adventure."

Acker said that there will also be utilizing the free meal program, which serves students under the age of 18, with breakfast at 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Superior will also offer students free lunch at 11:30.

For more information on Superior's program call 822-3563 and for information on Alberton's program call 722-3372.