Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Deputy Balenger faces interdiplinary charges

| June 16, 2010 5:07 PM

The following is a letter released to media outlets from Sheriff Hugh Hopwood.

To: Media Outlets

Re: Disciplinary action of Deputy Jim Balenger

In deciding what was the proper and most defensible action I could take against Deputy Jim Balenger for the citation issued to him by Fish Wildlife and Parks, I have taken several factors into consideration.

These factors include a review of applicable Montana Laws, the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the County Policy and Procedure Manual, along with consultations with the Mineral County Attorney and the Labor Attorney whom the county has retained for this type of situation.

As you may or may not know, matters of internal discipline are confidential unless the employee chooses to disclose them. In this case, the effected employee has chosen to invoke his right to privacy and therefore the punishment is not a matter of public record.

While I cannot disclose the exact nature of the punishment handed out to Deputy Balenger, I can tell you that this sanction is legally defensible, sufficiently potent to prevent recurrence, and is consistent with that recommended by the county's legal counsel.

It should go without saying that the officers who have sworn to protect and serve the public are themselves held to the highest standards. I, like you, are disappointed when an officer has broken a law. Deputy Balenger has answered in court for his actions and he is now answering to me through the department's disciplinary process.


Hugh L. Hopwood, Jr.