Thursday, March 06, 2025

Election results

by Danielle Switalski
| June 16, 2010 10:42 AM

The election results are in and with a few surprises. Mark French from Paradise will not be moving on to the general election as Denny Rehberg and Michael McDonald will be on the ballot to compete for the congressional seat during the general election in November.

The election results are in and with a few surprises. Mark French from Paradise will not be moving on to the general election as Denny Rehberg and Michael McDonald will be on the ballot to compete for the congressional seat during the general election in November.

The topic that was under much debate and scrutiny in the weeks leading up to the election was to change elected county official positions to non-partisan with 1,877 votes compared to 1,457 votes to change the positions to non-partisan. All county elected positions will now be non-partisan meaning the candidates up for election and those in office will not be deemed republican or democrat.

Tom Rummel will be moving on to campaign for the sheriff seat against Independent candidate Doug Dryden in the general election this November. Rummel beat out Billy Hill and Ed Schramm in the primary election.

Rummel said he was elated when he found out he won the primary election and is able to continue on to the general election.

"On the last day, I told myself I was not going to worry and leave it in God's hands," said Rummel. "The voters and public have spoke. I appreciate the voters support and they will see more of me," said Rummel who felt his honesty and integrity are what gave him the voters' support.

The primary election was the official decider for who will take up the county attorney seat, replacing Colleen Magera. Bob Zimmerman beat Naomi Leisz by 416 votes and will fill the seat as county attorney.

Zimmerman had been county attorney for eight years and said it is what he does best and therefore wanted to return to the position.

"I will see that all the cases represented are thoroughly investigated and the rights of the victims are acknowledged and protected as well," said Zimmerman. "There is quite a bit of civil work, so there are multi faceted challenges everyday."

In Plains, a debated issue on the ballot was to renew the current mill levies for the library that were voted on years ago and to also add an additional levy. The mill levy barely passed with 575 for the increase and 538 against it.

Library Director Carrie Terrell said if the mill levy did not pass, the budget would have been cut by 50 percent affecting every aspect of how the library is currently run. The library would have gone back to a budget similar to their budget in 1992. Although the mill levy will not allow for any improvements, jobs will not be cut, the hours will remain the same and the same services will be offered to the public.

"It's really nice and I'm glad for everyone's support and happy the community pulled together and everyone supported us during this time of economic hardship," said Terrell. "We will continue to serve the community and we're glad they (the voters) supported us and we can keep our doors open."

Glen Magera will move on to the general election for county commissioner after beating out Ron Olfert. Magera is running against Nancy Beech in the general election.

Carol Turk and Beth Rice-Groshong will also campaign for the position of county treasurer in the general election.

For a full list of results please visit

Comments on this story can be called to Danielle Switalaksi at 826-3402.