Friday, March 14, 2025

'Informed Montana Patient' Web Site enlightening

by Pat Ingraham
| June 25, 2010 2:55 PM

While serving on the Public Health and Human Services Standing Committee during the last session, many bills regarding health related issues came before us. One bill addressed the need for disclosing any financial interest that a referring health care practitioner might have associated with a referral. While no law was enacted, the disclosure concern was addressed by placing the information on the Montana Informed Patient Web Site.

While serving on the Public Health and Human Services Standing Committee during the last session, many bills regarding health related issues came before us. One bill addressed the need for disclosing any financial interest that a referring health care practitioner might have associated with a referral. While no law was enacted, the disclosure concern was addressed by placing the information on the Montana Informed Patient Web Site.

For me, knowing that a site such as the Montana Informed Patient (Your Health Information Web Patrol Web Site) existed was quite enlightening. The more we know about available resources, our patient rights, what questions we should ask our doctors and cost comparisons of procedures helps us play a greater role in the quality of care we receive. It's a site I'd like to share with you for just those reasons.

The Montana Informed Patient Web Site,, is sponsored by MHA, an association of Montana Health Care Providers, and is dedicated to providing Montana's health care consumers with information, resources and tools to enable the consumer to make informed health care decisions by helping them navigate the complex world of health care.

Health care information, which can be accessed through the Montana Informed Patient Web Site includes:

Hospitals - Here's where to find Montana Hospitals, cost and quality information, a checklist to review prior to your visit, understanding your hospital bill and filing a complaint.

Senior Living Options - Explores options for senior living and nursing homes including what to look for when selecting a facility for yourself and/or a loved one.

Health Insurance - Information on understanding your health insurance coverage, options for when you don't have insurance, choosing a health insurance plan, quality information and contact information if you have a complaint.

Prescription Information - Tips to avoid medication errors, use of the "Med Form" to keep track of the drugs you are currently taking, helpful checklists and more regarding prescription drugs.

Health Reform Information - With the passage of new legislation, learn more about how this bill may affect your health care, especially how it affects Montanans.

Physicians and Clinics - Information to help you locate and choose a provider that is right for you and a checklist to review before your visit.

Health Information - Information to help you understand your health conditions, and to find what you need to make informed choices for yourself and/or loved one.

Care Planning - Checklists are a great way to ensure that you have all the information that you need for a doctor visit, surgery, prescription drugs, following instructions for care and more.

Hospice - Hospice availability in Montana, types of services, along with related articles to help make informed end-of-life care decisions.

Mental Health - Where to find mental health care providers, consumer advocate organizations and research materials about mental health conditions.

Wellness - Tips for getting and staying healthy along with additional information for you and your family.

Additional Sites - A listing of sites that MHA recommends and uses themselves. While there is an enormous amount of information on the World Wide Web, it is MHA's aim to help guide the health care consumer to trusted information.

While this information is only available online, I would encourage those of you who find this to be a useful tool in your endeavor to become well informed regarding health care options, to please share this resource with others so they too can become informed healthcare consumers.

Now it is your turn to "Keep in Touch" by contacting me regarding your questions or concerns.

I can be reached via e-mail at, or call me at 827-4652 or by mail at P.O. Box 1151, Thompson Falls, Montana 59873.