Senior News, March 10
Thompson Falls Senior News
There were many players at the pinochle games when these were the winners: Claire Butcher, Blanche Davis, Dan Handford, and Roy (didn't get his last name). Isabel Welch and Virginia Larson had double pinochle. Anyone who wants to play is welcome, 1:30 P.M. on Sundays.
Thompson Falls Senior News
There were many players at the pinochle games when these were the winners: Claire Butcher, Blanche Davis, Dan Handford, and Roy (didn't get his last name). Isabel Welch and Virginia Larson had double pinochle. Anyone who wants to play is welcome, 1:30 P.M. on Sundays.
The spring craft fair is Saturday, March 20, from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. Breakfast will be available at 8 A.M. The merchants will offer a variety of items for you to purchase.
The bus will go to Sandpoint on Monday, March, 15th. A trip to Schweitzer ski area is planned. Driver Ernie Franke says passengers can either buy their lunch or "brown bag". Call the C o A office, 406-741-2346 to get on the list.
At the next board meeting there will be a discussion regarding changing the dinner hour from 5 P.M. until 6 P.M. That would be more convenient for those who work until 5 P.M. or later.
Menus are as follows: Thursday, March 11, salmon loaf, corn, salad, fruit, soup and dessert; Tuesday, March 16, enchiladas, refried beans, fruit and dessert; Thursday, March 18, meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, salad, soup and dessert.
Plains/Paradise Senior News
The Center is planning on a Bake/Craft Sale Saturday, March 27. We will do our calling next week asking for your help in this yearly fundraiser.
Pinochle winners for Thursday, March 3 were: Ole Oelschlager was high for the men and Peggy Mann high for the women. Winners Saturday, March 6 were Bonita Ralph high for women and Leo Rambur was high for men. Roger took 2nd. Door prize was won by Wayne Rummel.
All meals served at 12:00 noon:
Wednesday, March 17: Corned beef and cabbage with chocolate cake for dessert.
Friday, March 19: Chicken dinner with peach cobbler for dessert.
Fresh homemade rolls/bread, vegetables/salad and fruit are served with each meal.