Senior news
Thompson Falls
The Spring Fling craft fair was a success, for the sellers and the buyers. Thank you to all who participated.
In the not-too-distant future we hope to have a multi-vender rummage sale. Many of us have items we can get rid of, but not enough to have a sale. So rent a table from us. More information on this when we set a date.
Thompson Falls
The Spring Fling craft fair was a success, for the sellers and the buyers. Thank you to all who participated.
In the not-too-distant future we hope to have a multi-vender rummage sale. Many of us have items we can get rid of, but not enough to have a sale. So rent a table from us. More information on this when we set a date.
Mid-March card winners were Fritz Traver, Lillian Laws, Dan Handford and Joe Davis. Dan and Lillian had double pinochle. Any one who enjoys pinochle is welcome to join in at 1:30 P.M. on Sundays.
The only available menu is for Tuesday, March 30: Hamburgers with all the trimmings, French fries, pasta salad, fruit and dessert. A change has been made: Thursday dinner is now served at 6 P.M.for a few months, instead of 5 P.M. Tuesday lunch is still at noon.
On Saturday, March 27, all music lovers are invited to our center for a jam session from 1 P.M. until 4 P.M. If you play an instrument, bring it with you. Wear your dancing shoes in case you want to take a twirl around the floor.
This has nothing to do with our senior center, but ambulance bingo will be played at the high school gym, also on Saturday, the 27th, at 7 P.M. We need to support our volunteer EMTs so they can come to our aid when needed. And they do.
Plains/Paradise senior news
The Center is having their annual Easter Basket/Bake Sale Saturday March 27. Please help by baking for this fundraiser.
Pinochle scores were as follows:
Thursday March 18th:
High for men: Wayne Rummel; High for women: Peggy Mann
Saturday March 20th:
1st for men was Ole Oelschlager; 2nd Pat Harbin
1st for women: Rosie Rummel; 2nd Irene Kephart
Pat Harbin won the door prize and Rosie Rummel won the pinochle prize.
All meals are served at 12:00 noon:
Wednesday March 31st: Ham dinner with Hawaiian Cake and ice cream
Friday April 2nd: Fish Sticks- dessert
Fresh homemade rolls/bread, vegetables/salad & fruit are served with each meal.