Thursday, March 06, 2025

Regis golfers ready for state

by Summer Crosby
| May 14, 2010 5:54 PM

St. Regis hosted golf teams from around the area on Thursday at Trestle Creek. Although there weren't enough numbers playing for a girls' team, the boys were on the board with 508 for the day. On the girls' side, however, Jocelyn Dockter and Shelby Berg were once again up in the top ten for individual scores. Dockter took fifth with a score of 112 and Berg took tenth with 129.

Park said that Berg is doing everything she needs to be doing to be getting ready for a top notch performance at state.

"She is coming along really good," Park said. "She's getting better all the time. She's really trying hard and working on what she needs to work on. And that's what it's going to take to do well at state."

Park said Dockter should also be able to perform how she needs to at state. Dockter qualified at the very first tournament back at the beginning of April and has since continued to improve well. He noted that she's missed a couple of weeks, having being gone, but he said she's been getting back into form and he suspects she'll perform well.

Both have qualified for state this weekend. Park was also hoping that Broean Teeters would qualify on at Trestle Creek or at Seeley, where they played on Saturday, but that didn't happen.

Zane Worrall has qualified for state. Park said while Worrall is a good golfer and has been to state before he doesn't believe Worrall's shot his potential yet for this season. Park said that Worrall knows that he can do better than what he's doing and Park is hoping it will come out about the time state rolls around. Worrall didn't play in any competition this last week before state, but Park doesn't believe that will hinder the golfer. Joining Worrall is Thomas Spencer who qualified over the past weekend with an even 100.

At home, on Thursday, Park said he felt his two freshman, Spur Hill and Shad Rich, did particularly well as they improved in their scores even though they did not qualify to head to state. He said that for a lot of kids on Thursday the deciding factor turned out to be in their short game. But overall, he felt it was a good day.

"All in all, I thought it went pretty good," Park said.

On Saturday, the team was up at Seeley. The tournament was a rescheduled affair from the fourth of May. Berg and Dockter again placed in the top ten individual standings. Berg was second with a total score of 114, while Dockter ended up in fourth with 116. The St. Regis boys' team ended the day at the end of the pack with 460, but brought their overall score down.

As the golfers get ready for state, which takes place on May 18 and 19 up at a course in Ennis, Park said they will be working on everything.

"You can fix a problem and four swings later you're making a mistake and you don't even know it," Park said. "We're going to work on everything."

Park said that some priorities include working on short game play and doing more sand work, but it will all come down to "fine tuning mistakes."